Free Real Estate Employment Income Verification Form Template

Real Estate Employment
Income Verification Form

This form is required to verify employment and income as part of our application process. Please fill out the details accurately and obtain the necessary signatures.

Applicant Information






Employment Information

Employer’s Name

Employer’s Address

Supervisor’s Name


Employment Start Date


Type of Employment

  • Full-Time

  • Part-Time

  • Contractual

  • Other

Annual Salary/ Income

Reason for Verification

  • Loan Application

  • Rental Application

  • Other:                               

Consent and Authorization

I hereby authorize the disclosure of my employment and income information. I understand that this information is for the purpose of verifying my employment and/or income as part of the application process. I release and hold harmless my employer, its officers, employees, and agents from any liability resulting from the release of this information.

[Applicant's Name]


Employer’s Verification

We hereby certify that the information provided above is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge and corresponds to our records for the aforementioned employee.

[Representative Name]


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