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Real Estate Buyer Interview Form

Real Estate Buyer Interview Form

Please complete this form to provide us with detailed information about your property preferences and buying intentions. Your responses will help us match you with the perfect property.

Personal Information





Property Preferences

Desired Location(s)

Type of Property

  • House

  • Condo

  • Townhouse

  • Land

Preferred Size (sq ft)

No. of Bedrooms

No. of Bathrooms


  • Garage

  • Pool

  • Garden

  • Other

Buying Timeline

Are you a first-time buyer?

  • Yes

  • No

Intended Purchase Timeline

Are you currently working with an agent?

If Yes, state Agent’s name.

  • Yes,                               

  • No

Financial Information

Purchase Budget

Have you been pre-approved for a mortgage?
If Yes, by which lender?

  • Yes,                               

  • No

Down Payment Available

Additional Requirements

Any specific requirements or preferences?

What are your must-haves for a property?

Are there any deal-breakers for you?

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