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Real Estate Property Valuation Assessment

Real Estate Property
Valuation Assessment

Please complete this assessment to the best of your ability, providing detailed information about your property. This will enable us to conduct a thorough valuation, helping you understand the market value of your property.

Personal Information

Property Address

Owner’s Name



Property Characteristics

Type of Property

  • Residential

  • Commercial

  • Land

Year Built

Total Sq. Ft.

No. of Bedrooms

No. of Bathrooms

Lot Size

Unique Features

  • Pool

  • Garden

  • Garage

Condition and Improvements

Overall Condition of the Property

  • Excellent

  • Good Fair

  • Poor

Recent Improvements (within the last 5 years)

Type of Improvement

Date of Completion

Future Improvements Planned

Type of Improvement

Expected Date of Completion

Financial Information

Current Mortgage Details (if applicable)


Outstanding Balance

Monthly Payment

Annual Property Tax Amount

Monthly Rental Income

Market Information

Previous Valuation Attempts



Expected Sale Price

Reason for Valuation

  • Sale

  • Refinancing

  • Other:                              

Additional Information

Any known issues or defects with the property.

Any additional comments or information relevant to the valuation.

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