Free Fire Protocol Template

Fire Protocol

Prepared by:





Emergency Management



I. Objective

The primary objective of this Fire Protocol is to provide a structured framework for promptly responding to fire incidents with efficiency and effectiveness, thereby ensuring the safety and well-being of all occupants within the designated premises.

II. Introduction

  • This protocol outlines the guidelines and procedures to be followed in the event of a fire emergency.

  • All personnel must familiarize themselves with this protocol to ensure a coordinated and swift response to fire incidents.

III. Responsibilities

  • Occupants: Promptly evacuate the premises upon hearing the fire alarm, following designated evacuation routes.

  • Fire Warden: Assume leadership in directing occupants to safety and coordinating with emergency services.

  • Emergency Response Team: Act by assigned roles to control and mitigate the fire situation.

  • Facility Management: Ensure regular maintenance of fire safety equipment and conduct periodic fire drills.

IV. Procedures

  1. Alert: Upon discovering a fire or hearing the fire alarm, immediately alert others by activating the nearest fire alarm pull station.

  2. Evacuate: Follow evacuation procedures as outlined in evacuation maps, moving calmly and swiftly towards designated assembly points.

  3. Assess: Fire Wardens and Emergency Response Team members assess the situation, determining the severity and location of the fire.

  4. Contain: Utilize available fire extinguishers to contain small fires, following proper usage techniques and prioritizing personal safety.

  5. Evacuation: If unable to contain the fire, initiate a full evacuation of the premises, ensuring all occupants are directed to safety.

  6. Assist: Assist individuals with disabilities or impairments in evacuating the premises, providing necessary support and guidance.

  7. Communicate: Maintain clear communication with emergency services, providing accurate information about the nature and location of the fire.

  8. Account for Occupants: Fire Wardens conduct roll calls at assembly points to ensure all occupants have evacuated safely.

  9. Wait for Clearance: Do not re-enter the premises until authorized by emergency personnel, ensuring it is safe to do so.

V. Training and Drills

  • Regular fire safety training sessions and evacuation drills shall be conducted to familiarize occupants with the procedures outlined in this protocol.

  • Feedback from drills shall be analyzed to identify areas for improvement and refine response strategies.

VI. Conclusion

Adherence to this Fire Protocol is crucial in minimizing the risk posed by fire incidents. By following these guidelines and procedures, we ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals within our premises.

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