Free Focus Group Protocol Template



Free Focus Group Protocol Template

Focus Group Protocol






Market Research Department



I. Objectives

This focus group protocol aims to facilitate discussions among participants to gather insights on consumer preferences and attitudes toward organic food products. The findings will inform marketing strategies for a new line of organic food products.

II. Protocol Overview

This protocol outlines the guidelines and procedures for conducting focus group sessions aimed at achieving the stated objectives. It includes the agenda, methodology, and expectations for participants and facilitators.

III. Procedure


Time (minutes)



15 minutes

  • Welcome and Introduction to the Focus Group

  • Explanation of the Purpose and Goals

  • Overview of Agenda and Ground Rules

Icebreaker Activity

20 minutes

  • Introduction of Participants: Name and brief background

  • Icebreaker Question: "What motivated you to attend this focus group?"

Discussion Phase

60 minutes

Topic 1: Perceptions of Organic Food (20 minutes)

  • What does 'organic' mean to you?

  • How do you perceive the benefits of organic food?

Topic 2: Buying Behavior (20 minutes)

  • Factors influencing your decision to purchase organic food

  • Frequency and locations of purchasing organic food

Topic 3: Product Preferences (20 minutes)

  • Types of organic food products preferred

  • Preferences regarding packaging, pricing, and labeling


10 minutes

Refreshments, Informal Interactions

In-depth Exploration

45 minutes

  • Further Discussion on Emerging Themes (e.g., concerns about affordability, trust in organic labels)

  • Probing for Detailed Experiences and Opinions


20 minutes

  • Summary of Key Insights

  • Expressing Gratitude to Participants

  • Information on Next Steps and Follow-up Actions

IV. Data Collection

  • Audio recording of focus group sessions.

  • Note-taking by facilitators to capture key points and participant responses.

  • Transcription of recorded sessions for analysis.

V. Safety Considerations

  • Ensure the confidentiality of participants' responses.

  • Respect participants' opinions and foster a safe and non-judgmental environment.

  • Provide a comfortable and accessible venue for the focus group sessions.

VI. Expected Results

  • Comprehensive understanding of consumer perceptions and preferences towards organic food products.

  • Identification of key factors influencing purchasing decisions.

  • Insights to guide marketing strategies for the promotion of organic food items.

VII. Conclusion

This focus group protocol serves as a structured framework for conducting sessions aimed at gathering valuable insights from participants. By adhering to the outlined procedures and guidelines, we anticipate obtaining meaningful data to support informed decision-making regarding the marketing of organic food products.

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