Free Incident Protocol Template



Free Incident Protocol Template

Incident Protocol


[Your Name]


[Your Company Name]


[Your Department]



I. Objective

The objective of this protocol is to establish a standardized procedure for promptly informing emergency response teams about health and safety incidents within our premises. This protocol aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Ensure the safety and well-being of personnel, contractors, and visitors.

  • Minimize the impact of health and safety incidents on operations and property.

  • Facilitate prompt and effective response to incidents by designated emergency response teams.

  • Promote a culture of proactive risk management and continuous improvement in health and safety practices.

II. Purpose

The purpose of this protocol is to establish a standardized procedure for promptly informing emergency response teams about health and safety incidents within our premises. By adhering to this protocol, we aim to mitigate risks, ensure the safety of personnel, and minimize the impact of incidents on our operations.

III. Scope

The protocol laid out herein applies to every category of individuals within the premises, including full-time employees, part-time workers, contractors who are engaged for special tasks, as well as visitors dropping by for various reasons. This protocol is particularly designed to cover any possible incidents concerned with health and safety that might take place within the premises. The idea behind this protocol is to be prepared for all kinds of situations, no matter what nature they may have or the level of severity they might exhibit.

IV. Definitions

  • Health and Safety Incident: Any event or occurrence that results in, or has the potential to result in, injury, illness, property damage, or environmental harm.

  • Emergency Response Team: Designated individuals or groups trained to respond promptly and effectively to health and safety incidents, including but not limited to medical personnel, firefighters, and security personnel.

V. Incident Reporting Procedure

In the event of a health and safety incident, personnel are required to follow these steps:

  1. Assess the Situation: Evaluate the severity and extent of the incident, ensuring personal safety and the safety of others.

  2. Notify the Emergency Response Team: Immediately report the incident to the designated emergency response team by dialing [Your Company Number], and providing the following information:

    • Nature and location of the incident

    • Number of casualties, if any

    • Hazards present, if known

  3. Render Aid (if Safe to Do So): Provide immediate assistance to injured or affected individuals within the limits of your training and capabilities, ensuring personal safety remains a priority.

  4. Preserve the Scene: Take measures to secure the area and prevent further harm or damage until emergency response personnel arrive.

VI. Emergency Response Team Responsibilities

Upon receiving notification of a health and safety incident, the emergency response team shall:

  • Mobilize resources and personnel to the incident site promptly.

  • Assess the situation and implement appropriate measures to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of all individuals involved.

  • Coordinate with external emergency services as necessary.

  • Provide medical assistance and initiate evacuation procedures if required.

  • Document the incident thoroughly for subsequent analysis and improvement of safety protocols.

VII. Training and Awareness

Every individual who forms part of the personnel shall be given comprehensive instruction on adhering to this protocol. Additionally, among the key forms of guidance provided to them, they will be made familiar with the procedures that must be executed during emergencies. This will be conducted through regular simulated drills that imitate potential emergencies. Also, they will gain an understanding of emergency procedures using awareness campaigns. These campaigns will extend essential knowledge to them, which will amp up their understanding and proficiency in handling unforeseen emergency circumstances.

VII. Protocol Review and Revision

This protocol shall be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in legislation, technology, or organizational structure, ensuring its continued effectiveness in managing health and safety incidents.

IX. Compliance

If you do not adhere to this protocol, there is a possibility that the company's policies and procedures may require disciplinary action to be taken against you.

X. Conclusion

By adhering to this Incident Protocol, we reaffirm our commitment to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all individuals within our premises. Your cooperation in implementing these procedures is essential to the success of our health and safety initiatives.

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