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Influencer Scope Of Work

Influencer Scope Of Work

Prepared for


Prepared by

[YOUR NAME], Marketing Manager

1. Introduction

This Influencer Scope of Work outlines the terms and conditions for a social media collaboration between [BRAND NAME] and [INFLUENCER NAME] to promote the new line of skincare products.

2. Collaboration Overview

The collaboration will involve [INFLUENCER NAME] creating content to promote [BRAND NAME]'s skincare products on their social media platforms, thereby increasing brand awareness and driving engagement.

3. Specific Deliverables



Sponsored Posts

[INFLUENCER NAME] to create and publish [NUMBER] sponsored posts showcasing [BRAND NAME]'s skincare products.

Story Mentions

[INFLUENCER NAME] to mention [BRAND NAME] in [NUMBER] Instagram stories, featuring the skincare products.

Product Reviews

[INFLUENCER NAME] to provide honest reviews of [BRAND NAME]'s skincare products on their blog and/or YouTube channel.


[INFLUENCER NAME] to host [NUMBER] giveaways featuring [BRAND NAME]'s skincare products, encouraging audience engagement.

Tutorial Videos

[INFLUENCER NAME] to create [NUMBER] tutorial videos showcasing the application and benefits of [BRAND NAME]'s skincare products.

4. Collaboration Duration

The collaboration will commence on [START DATE] and conclude on [END DATE], spanning a total of [DURATION] weeks/months.

5. Compensation Terms

[INFLUENCER NAME] will receive compensation as follows:


  • Payment will be made within [NUMBER] days upon completion of all agreed-upon deliverables.

6. Exclusivity Clauses

During the collaboration period and for [NUMBER] months thereafter, [INFLUENCER NAME] agrees not to promote or endorse any skincare products that directly compete with [BRAND NAME]'s products.

7. Content Approval Process

All content created by [INFLUENCER NAME] must be submitted to [BRAND NAME] for approval at least [NUMBER] days prior to posting. [BRAND NAME] reserves the right to request revisions or modifications to ensure brand alignment and compliance.

8. Usage Rights

[INFLUENCER NAME] grants [BRAND NAME] the right to use and repurpose all content created during the collaboration for marketing and promotional purposes across [BRAND NAME]'s owned channels.

9. FTC Compliance

[INFLUENCER NAME] agrees to comply with all Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines regarding disclosure of sponsored content and will clearly indicate when posts are sponsored or paid partnerships with [BRAND NAME].

10. Additional Terms



11. Conclusion

This Influencer Scope of Work outlines the terms and conditions for the collaboration between [BRAND NAME] and [INFLUENCER NAME] in promoting the new line of skincare products. By mutually agreeing to these terms, both parties aim to create engaging content that benefits the brand and resonates with the influencer's audience.


Marketing Manager

Scope of Work Templates @