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Website Scope Of Work

Website Scope Of Work

I. Project Overview:

The website development project aims to create a dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly website for [CLIENT NAME]. The website will serve as a platform to showcase [CLIENT'S PRODUCT] and engage with its target audience effectively.

II. Project Initiation:

  • Initial Meeting: Discuss project goals, requirements, and expectations with the client.

  • Requirement Gathering: Gather detailed specifications regarding features, design preferences, content, and functionality.

  • Project Kickoff: Establish project timeline, milestones, and communication channels.

III. Establishing Expectations:

  • Regular Communication: Weekly progress meetings and updates via email or project management tool.

  • Feedback Loops: Scheduled review sessions for design drafts, content, and development progress.

  • Timely Responses: Both client and development team commit to providing prompt feedback and addressing queries within agreed timelines.

IV. Budgeting and Resource Allocation:

  • Budget Breakdown: Detailed breakdown of costs including design, development, content creation, hosting, and any additional services.

  • Resource Allocation: Allocation of resources including designers, developers, content creators, and QA testers as per project requirements.

  • Contingency Plan: Provision for unforeseen expenses or scope changes with client approval.

V. Project Management:

  • Project Plan: Detailed project plan outlining tasks, dependencies, timelines, and responsible parties.

  • Task Tracking: Utilization of project management tools such as Trello, Asana, or Jira for task tracking and progress monitoring.

  • Risk Management: Identification of potential risks and mitigation strategies to ensure project success.

VI. Deliverables:




Discovery Phase

Requirements Document, Wireframes, Site Architecture

2 weeks

Design Phase

UI/UX Designs, Style Guide

3 weeks

Development Phase

Frontend Development, Backend Development

6 weeks

Content Creation

Textual Content, Multimedia Assets

2 weeks

Testing and QA

Functional Testing, Cross-browser Testing

2 weeks

Deployment and Launch

Website Deployment, User Training (if applicable)

1 week


Ongoing Maintenance Plan

As per agreement

VII. Timeline:






Discovery Phase Completion

Gather requirements, analyze needs, and finalize project scope

2 weeks

Week 1

Week 2

Design Approval

Present design concepts, iterate based on feedback, and finalize design

3 weeks

Week 3

Week 5

Development Completion

Build website according to approved design and functionality specifications

6 weeks

Week 6

Week 11

Testing and QA Completion

Perform thorough testing, fix bugs, and ensure website functionality

2 weeks

Week 12

Week 13

Deployment and Launch

Prepare for deployment, migrate to production server, and launch website

1 week

Week 14

Week 14

VIII. Approval:

By signing below, both parties agree to the terms outlined in this Website Scope of Work.







Scope of Work Templates @