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Real Estate Broker Price Opinion Form

Real Estate Broker Price Opinion Form

This form is to be completed by the assigned real estate broker to provide an estimated value of the property in question. Ensure accuracy and thoroughness in all sections for a comprehensive evaluation.

Property Information

Property Address

Type of Property

Legal Description

Broker Information

Broker Name


License Number

Contact Information

Market Analysis

Comparable Property 1

Address: 123 Main St, $350,000, Sale Date: [Insert Date], 3 bed/2 bath, 2000 sqft, Built-in 2000

Comparable Property 2

Comparable Property 3

Market Trends

The market shows a stable demand for 3-4 bedroom houses in the area. Prices have increased by an average of 5% over the past year.

Property Assessment

Condition of Property

Improvements Needed

Estimated Value

Additional Comments

Broker Declaration

I hereby certify that the information provided in this Broker Price Opinion Form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge and was conducted in accordance with the standards and guidelines of the real estate industry. I understand that this opinion is not an appraisal and should not be considered as such.


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