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Real Estate Property Seller’s Affidavit of No Liens

Real Estate Property Seller’s Affidavit of No Liens

I, [Your Name], being of lawful age and sound mind, hereby depose and state as follows:

1. Ownership of Property

1.1 I am the sole and lawful owner of the real estate property located at [Property Address], having acquired it through a legally binding transaction.

1.2 I hold the title to the Property free and clear, without any claims of ownership by any other individual or entity.

2. Purpose of Affidavit

2.1 This affidavit is executed in connection with the impending sale of the Property, for the purpose of assuring the buyer of the absence of any liens or encumbrances.

2.2 It serves as a declaration of the current status of the Property’s title, affirming that it is unencumbered by any legal or financial obligations.

3. Confirmation of No Liens

3.1 Under the penalty of perjury, I affirm that to the best of my knowledge, there are no liens, mortgages, judgments, or other encumbrances against the Property.

3.2 I have conducted a thorough review of the Property’s title records and have found no evidence of any outstanding obligations that could affect its transfer of ownership.

4. Disclosure of Agreements

4.1 I disclose any existing agreements or contracts related to the Property that could potentially result in a lien or encumbrance, ensuring full transparency to the buyer.

4.2 Any agreements disclosed herein are presented accurately and comprehensively, reflecting their true nature and scope.

5. Payment of Taxes and Assessments

5.1 I certify that all property taxes, assessments, and other financial obligations associated with the Property have been duly paid up to the date of this affidavit.

5.2 Any outstanding taxes or assessments have been settled in full or are being addressed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

6. Consequences of False Statements

6.1 I acknowledge the serious consequences of providing false information in this affidavit, including potential civil and criminal penalties.

6.2 I affirm the accuracy of the statements made herein, understanding that any misrepresentation could undermine the integrity of the sale transaction and lead to legal repercussions.

7. Reliance by Parties

7.1 I understand that the buyer, their representatives, and other parties involved in the sale of the Property may rely on the representations and warranties contained in this affidavit.

7.2 By executing this document, I confirm my intention to provide assurances regarding the absence of liens or encumbrances on the Property, thereby facilitating a smooth and transparent transaction.

8. Indemnification

8.1 I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the buyer, their representatives, and any other parties involved in the sale of the Property from any losses, damages, or liabilities arising from undisclosed liens or encumbrances.

8.2 This indemnification obligation extends to any claims or disputes that may arise subsequent to the completion of the sale transaction, providing the buyer with ongoing protection and reassurance.

Recording and Disclosure

9.1 I acknowledge that this affidavit may be recorded in the public records and disclosed to third parties as necessary to facilitate the sale of the Property.

9.2 The information contained herein may be shared with title companies, lenders, and other relevant stakeholders to ensure compliance with legal and contractual requirements.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of [Your State/Country] that the foregoing is true and correct.

Dated: [Date]


Print Name:                               

Sworn to and subscribed before me on this [Day] day of [Month], [Year].

Notary Public: [Your Name]

My Commission Expires: [Date]

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