Kansas Affidavit of Residence

Kansas Affidavit of Residence


I, [YOUR NAME], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], State of Kansas, do solemnly affirm under penalty of perjury, that the following statements are true and correct:


  1. Residence: I have resided at the aforementioned address continuously for the past [DURATION OF RESIDENCY] years, and it is my principal place of residence.

  2. Citizenship: I am a citizen of the United States of America and of the State of Kansas.

  3. Voter Eligibility: I am legally eligible to register to vote in the State of Kansas, meeting all requirements set forth by state law.

  4. Previous Registrations: I am not currently registered to vote in any other jurisdiction, and I have not cast a ballot in any other jurisdiction for this upcoming election.

  5. Legal Obligations: I understand that by registering to vote, I am obligated to follow all applicable laws and regulations related to voting in the State of Kansas.

  6. Accuracy of Information: I affirm that all information provided in this affidavit is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Furthermore, I understand that any false statement made herein is punishable under law.


Signed this [DATE].



Sworn to and subscribed before me this [DATE].


Notary Public, State of Kansas

My Commission Expires:                               

Please ensure that you sign the affidavit in the presence of a notary public, who will then authenticate your signature.

Affidavit Templates @ Template.net