Free Condo Bylaws Template



Free Condo Bylaws Template


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Article 1: Establishment and Purpose

1.1 Establishment:

These Bylaws are established to regulate and govern the operation, management, and community life within the condominium association, hereafter referred to as the "Association." They aim to promote harmony, cooperation, and the collective welfare of all residents and owners.

1.2 Purpose:

The Bylaws aim to establish guidelines and provisions for the efficient administration, operation, and maintenance of the condominium property. They seek to foster a sense of responsibility, community engagement, and mutual respect among residents and owners.

Article 2: Governance and Administration

2.1 Board of Management:

The Association shall be managed by a Board of Management, herein referred to as the "Board." The Board shall consist of elected members who shall oversee the affairs of the Association per these Bylaws and the Condominium Declaration.

2.2 Duties and Powers:

The Board shall have the authority to:

a. Enforce these Bylaws and the Condominium Declaration.

b. Manage the common areas and facilities of the condominium property.

c. Adopt and enforce rules and regulations for the benefit of all residents and owners.

d. Prepare and approve an annual budget for the operation and maintenance of the condominium property.

e. Enter into contracts and agreements on behalf of the Association.

f. Take necessary actions to ensure the smooth functioning of the condominium community.

Article 3: Membership and Meetings

3.1 Membership:

Membership in the Association shall be open to all owners of units within the condominium property. Each owner shall be entitled to one vote per unit owned.

3.2 Annual Meeting:

The Association shall hold an annual general meeting of the members to elect the Board members and address any other relevant matters.

3.3 Special Meetings:

Special meetings of the members may be called by the Board or upon written request by a specified percentage of the members.

Article 4: Use and Maintenance of Common Areas

4.1 Use Restrictions:

The common areas and facilities shall be used for their intended purposes only and under the rules and regulations established by the Board.

4.2 Maintenance Responsibilities:

The Association shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, and upkeep of the common areas and facilities, while individual owners shall be responsible for the maintenance of their respective units.

Article 5: Financial Management

5.1 Assessments:

The Association shall levy assessments on all unit owners to cover the costs of operating, maintaining, and improving the condominium property. Assessments shall be determined based on the annual budget approved by the Board.

5.2 Reserve Fund:

The Association shall establish and maintain a reserve fund to cover unforeseen expenses and major repairs or replacements of common elements.

Article 6: Amendment and Enforcement

6.1 Amendment:

Under the guidelines and procedures that have been explicitly outlined in this document, the present Bylaws hold the potential for a vote by the members to amend them.

6.2 Enforcement:

The Board shall enforce these Bylaws and take appropriate action against any violations, including but not limited to fines, penalties, and legal recourse if necessary.

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