Free Ifc(Interfraternity Council) Bylaws Template



Free Ifc(Interfraternity Council) Bylaws Template

Interfraternity Council Bylaws

Article I: Name and Purpose

1.1 Name:

The name of this organization shall be the Interfraternity Council (IFC) of [Name of University/College].

1.2 Purpose:

The purpose of the Interfraternity Council (IFC) shall be to promote the common interests and well-being of its member fraternities, to foster cooperation and collaboration among fraternities, and to uphold the principles of scholarship, leadership, service, and brotherhood.

Article II: Membership

2.1 Eligibility:

Membership in the Interfraternity Council (IFC) shall be open to all recognized fraternities in good standing with the university/college and compliance with the council's constitution and bylaws.

2.2 Application:

Fraternities seeking membership in the Interfraternity Council (IFC) must submit a formal application to the Executive Board and fulfill any additional requirements as outlined in the council's constitution and bylaws.

2.3 Rights and Responsibilities:

Member fraternities shall have the right to participate in council meetings, activities, and initiatives. They shall also be responsible for upholding the standards and values of the Interfraternity Council (IFC) and adhering to its constitution and bylaws.

Article III: Governance

3.1 Executive Board:

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) shall be governed by an Executive Board composed of elected officers from member fraternities, including but not limited to a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any other positions deemed necessary.

3.2 Duties of the Executive Board:

The Executive Board shall be responsible for overseeing the affairs of the Interfraternity Council (IFC), implementing its policies and initiatives, and representing the interests of member fraternities.

3.3 Meetings:

The Executive Board shall convene regular meetings, at least [frequency of meetings], to discuss council business, make decisions, and address any issues or concerns.

Article IV: Conduct and Discipline

4.1 Standards of Conduct:

Member fraternities shall adhere to the highest standards of conduct, ethics, and integrity in all their activities and interactions, both within and outside the university/college community.

4.2 Disciplinary Procedures:

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) shall establish disciplinary procedures for addressing violations of its constitution, bylaws, and policies. These procedures shall ensure due process and fair treatment for all parties involved.

Article V: Amendments

5.1 Proposal:

Any proposed amendments to these bylaws must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board and shall require a [percentage] vote of approval from member fraternities for adoption.

5.2 Ratification:

Approved amendments shall be ratified by the Executive Board and become effective immediately upon ratification unless otherwise specified.

Article VI: Dissolution

6.1 Dissolution:

In the event of dissolution, the assets and liabilities of the Interfraternity Council (IFC) shall be distributed by applicable laws and regulations governing non-profit organizations.

Article VII: Adoption

7.1 Adoption:

These bylaws shall be adopted upon approval by a [percentage] vote of member fraternities and shall supersede any previous bylaws or governing documents of the Interfraternity Council (IFC).

[President of the Interfraternity Council]

[Date Signed]

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