Free Philoptochos Bylaws Template



Free Philoptochos Bylaws Template

Philoptochos Bylaws

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Philoptochos Society, hereinafter referred to as "Philoptochos."

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of Philoptochos shall be to provide charitable assistance to those in need, to support philanthropic endeavors, and to promote the tenets of the Greek Orthodox faith within the community.

Article III: Membership

III.I. Eligibility: Membership in Philoptochos shall be open to all individuals who subscribe to its purpose and are by the teachings of the Greek Orthodox Church.

III.II. Categories of Membership:

  1. Active Members: Those who actively participate in the activities and functions of Philoptochos.

  2. Associate Members: Those who support Philoptochos but are unable to participate regularly in its activities.

  3. Honorary Members: Those who have rendered distinguished service to Philoptochos and have been conferred honorary membership by the Executive Board.

III.III. Rights and Privileges: All members shall have the right to vote, hold office, and participate in the affairs of Philoptochos.

Article IV: Organizational Structure

IV.I. Executive Board:

a. The Executive Board shall consist of elected officers, including a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and appointed committee chairs.

b. The Executive Board shall have the authority to manage the affairs of Philoptochos between general meetings.

c. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held regularly, with notice provided to all members.

IV.II. General Membership Meetings:

a. General Membership Meetings shall be held regularly to discuss and vote on important matters concerning Philoptochos.

b. Notice of General Membership Meetings shall be provided to all members in advance.

Article V: Financial Management

V.I. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of Philoptochos shall be from January 1st to December 31st.

V.II. Budget: A budget shall be prepared annually by the Treasurer and presented to the Executive Board for approval.

V.III. Financial Records: Accurate and detailed financial records shall be maintained by the Treasurer and made available for inspection by members upon request.

Article VI: Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a General Membership Meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been given to all members at least thirty days in advance.

Article VII: Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of Philoptochos, all assets shall be distributed to charitable organizations or purposes as determined by the Executive Board.

Article VIII: Adoption

These bylaws shall be adopted upon approval by a majority vote of the members present at a General Membership Meeting.

Article IX: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern Philoptochos in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws or any special rules of order Philoptochos may adopt.

Article X: Effective Date

These bylaws shall take effect immediately upon adoption.

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