Free National Honor Society Bylaws Template



Free National Honor Society Bylaws Template

National Honor Society Bylaws

Article I: Name and Purpose

I.I Name: The name of this organization shall be the National Honor Society (NHS), hereinafter referred to as "the Society."

I.II Purpose: The purpose of the NHS shall be to recognize and promote academic excellence, leadership, service, and character among high school students. The Society shall strive to foster a culture of achievement and integrity, instilling in its members the values of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.

Article II: Membership

II.I Eligibility: Membership in the NHS shall be open to high school students who meet the following criteria:

  • Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale;

  • Demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities through participation in school and community activities;

  • Engage in service activities that benefit their school and community, and (d) exhibit exemplary character as evidenced by ethical behavior and integrity.

II.II Selection Process: Prospective members shall be evaluated based on the aforementioned criteria by a faculty council appointed by the school administration. The selection process shall be fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory, adhering strictly to the eligibility requirements outlined in these bylaws.

II.III Induction: Selected candidates for membership shall be formally inducted into the NHS in a ceremony conducted annually by the chapter. Inductees shall pledge to uphold the principles of the Society and fulfill their responsibilities as members.

Article III: Officers and Leadership

III.I Officer Positions: The NHS chapter shall have the following officer positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. Each officer shall be elected annually by the members of the Society.

III.II Duties of Officers:

  • The President shall preside over meetings, represent the chapter, and coordinate its activities.

  • The Vice President shall assist the President and assume their duties in their absence.

  • The Secretary shall maintain records of meetings and correspondence.

  • The Treasurer shall manage the chapter's finances and budget.

  • The Historian shall document the chapter's activities and maintain its historical records.

Article IV: Activities and Service Projects

IV. I Chapter Activities: The NHS shall organize and participate in activities that promote academic excellence, leadership development, and community service. These activities may include tutoring programs, academic workshops, leadership seminars, and service projects.

IV.II Service Projects: Members of the NHS shall engage in service projects that address the needs of their school and community. These projects shall be planned and executed according to the values and mission of the Society, aiming to make a positive impact and foster a spirit of volunteerism.

Article V: Meetings and Conduct

V.I Meetings: Regular meetings of the NHS shall be held [frequency of meetings], with additional meetings scheduled as needed. Meetings shall be conducted in an orderly manner, following an agenda prepared by the officers.

V.II Code of Conduct: Members of the NHS shall adhere to a code of conduct that reflects the values of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Conduct unbecoming of an NHS member, including academic dishonesty, misconduct, or behavior contrary to the Society's principles, may result in disciplinary action.

Article VI: Amendments

VI.I Amendment Process: These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the NHS membership. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing at least [NUMBER] days before the meeting at which they will be considered.

VI.II Ratification: Amendments approved by the membership shall take effect immediately upon ratification unless otherwise specified.

Article VII: Adoption

VII.I Adoption: These bylaws shall be adopted upon approval by the NHS membership and the school administration. They shall supersede any previous bylaws or rules governing the operation of the NHS chapter.

VII.II Implementation: These bylaws shall be implemented and enforced by the NHS officers and faculty advisors, who shall ensure their consistent application and adherence to the values and mission of the Society.

Article VIII: Dissolution

VIII.I Dissolution: If the NHS chapter is dissolved, any remaining funds and assets shall be distributed to [LOCAL COMMUNITY FOUNDATION] per applicable laws and regulations.

Article IX: Severability

IX.I Severability: If any provision of these bylaws is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Article X: Interpretation

X.I Interpretation: Any questions or disputes regarding the interpretation of these bylaws shall be resolved by the NHS officers and faculty advisors, whose decisions shall be final.

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