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Real Estate Safety Compliance Audit Checklist

Real Estate Safety
Compliance Audit Checklist

This checklist is a tool designed to ensure that all our construction sites comply with the latest safety regulations and standards. It is imperative that the audit is conducted thoroughly and regularly to maintain a safe working environment for all our employees and contractors.

General Safety

  • All workers have access to personal protective equipment (PPE)

  • Safety signs are visible and in good condition

  • First aid kits are easily accessible

  • Fire extinguishers are in place and inspected

Equipment Safety

  • All machinery and equipment are regularly inspected

  • Workers are trained on the safe use of equipment

  • Emergency stop buttons are functional and accessible

Environmental Safety

  • Spill containment measures are in place for hazardous materials

  • Waste disposal is in compliance with environmental regulations

  • Adequate ventilation is provided in work areas

Electrical Safety

  • Electrical installations and wirings are inspected

  • Proper grounding of electrical equipment is verified

  • Electrical panels are not obstructed

Emergency Preparedness

  • Evacuation routes are clear and well marked

  • Emergency response plan is up to date and accessible

  • Regular emergency drills are conducted

Worker Training and Awareness

  • All workers have received safety training relevant to their tasks

  • Regular safety meetings are held to discuss safety concerns and updates

Reporting and Documentation

  • Incident reporting procedures are clear and followed

  • Safety inspection reports are up to date and reviewed

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