Free Firefighters Association Bylaws Template
Firefighters Association Bylaws
Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name The name of this organization shall be the "Maplewood Firefighters Association," herein referred to as the Association.
Section 2: Purpose The purpose of the Association shall be to promote the welfare and interests of its members, enhance professionalism within the firefighting community, foster camaraderie, and provide opportunities for professional development and support.
Article II: Organizational Structure
Section 1: Officers
a. The Association shall have the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any other positions deemed necessary by the membership.
b. The duties of each officer shall be as outlined in these Bylaws and as directed by the membership.
Section 2: Committees
a. The Association may establish committees as needed to carry out its work, such as Membership Committee, Fundraising Committee, and Safety Committee. b. The President shall appoint committee chairs, subject to the approval of the membership.
Section 3: Members
a. Membership in the Association shall be open to all active and retired firefighters of the Maplewood Fire Department.
b. Members shall adhere to the Code of Conduct and any other policies set forth by the Association.
Article III: Elections and Terms of Office
Section 1: Elections
a. Elections for officers shall be held annually at the regular membership meeting in June.
b. Nominations may be made from the floor or by a nominating committee appointed by the President.
Section 2: Terms of Office
a. The term of office for all officers shall be one year, beginning on January 1st.
b. Officers may serve consecutive terms, but no more than two (2) terms in the same position.
Article IV: Succession Plan
Section 1: Vacancies
a. In the event of a vacancy in any elected office, the President shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy until the next regular election.
b. If the office of the President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President until the next regular election.
Section 2: Emergency Succession In the event of a catastrophic event or emergency that incapacitates the entire executive board, the membership shall convene an emergency meeting to appoint interim leadership until regular elections can be held.
Article V: Meetings
Section 1: Regular Meetings
a. The Association shall hold regular membership meetings on the Tuesday of each month unless otherwise determined by the membership.
b. The President or a majority of the executive board may call special meetings as needed.
Section 2: Quorum
a. A quorum for conducting business at any meeting shall consist of ten (10) members present.
b. Proxy voting shall be permitted for members unable to attend meetings, as long as written authorization is provided to the Secretary before the meeting.
Article VI: Amendments
Section 1: Proposal
a. Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by any member in good standing.
b. Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary and distributed to the membership at least thirty (30) days before the meeting at which they will be considered.
Section 2: Approval
a. Amendments shall be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting.
b. Amendments shall take effect immediately upon approval unless otherwise specified.
Article VII: Dissolution
Section 1: Procedure In the event of dissolution of the Association, any assets remaining after the payment of debts shall be distributed to the Maplewood Community Foundation or another tax-exempt organization with similar purposes, as determined by the membership.
Section 2: Approval
a. Dissolution must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a special meeting called for that purpose.
b. Notice of the proposed dissolution shall be provided to all members at least sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting.
Section 3: Disposal of Assets Any remaining assets of the Association shall be disposed of by applicable laws and regulations governing tax-exempt organizations.
Article VIII: Adoption
Section 1: Approval
a. These Bylaws shall be adopted upon approval by a majority vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting.
b. These Bylaws shall supersede any previously adopted bylaws of the Association.
Section 2: Effective Date The implementation of these Bylaws will commence instantly and without delay, as soon as they have been officially adopted.
Section 3: Review These Bylaws shall be reviewed annually by the executive board and any necessary amendments proposed to the membership for approval.
Section 4: Distribution Copies of these Bylaws shall be made available to all members and shall be posted on the Association's website.