Free Kingston Bylaws Template



Free Kingston Bylaws Template

Kingston Bylaws

Article I: Title and Purpose

Section 1: Title

This particular document shall henceforth be identified and recognized by the name "Kingston Zoning Bylaws."

Section 2: Purpose

The purpose of these bylaws is to regulate the use of land and structures within the jurisdiction of the city of Kingston to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of its residents. These regulations aim to ensure orderly development, protect property values, and maintain the character of different areas within the city.

Article II: Definitions

Section 1: Definitions

For these bylaws, certain terms and phrases shall be defined as follows:

  • Zoning District: A designated area within the city with specific regulations governing land use and development.

  • Lot: A parcel of land intended for a specific use or purpose, as defined by these bylaws.

  • Setback: The required distance between a structure and the property line, street, or other designated area.

  • Non-conforming Use: A land use or structure that does not comply with current zoning regulations but was lawful before the enactment of these regulations.

Article III: Zoning Districts

Section 1: Establishment of Zoning Districts

The city of Kingston is hereby divided into the following zoning districts:

  • Residential Districts: Areas primarily designated for single-family, multi-family, or mixed-use residential development.

  • Commercial Districts: Areas designated for commercial activities such as retail, office, and service establishments.

  • Industrial Districts: Areas designated for industrial and manufacturing activities.

Section 2: Zoning Map

The boundaries of each zoning district shall be delineated on an official zoning map maintained by the city. Said map shall be incorporated into these bylaws by reference and shall be kept on file in the office of the City Planning Department.

Article IV: Permitted Uses

Section 1: Permitted Uses

Within each zoning district, certain uses of land and structures shall be permitted as of right, subject to compliance with applicable regulations.

  • Residential Districts: Permitted uses may include single-family dwellings, multi-family dwellings, home occupations, and accessory structures.

  • Commercial Districts: Permitted uses may include retail stores, restaurants, offices, hotels, and other commercial establishments.

  • Industrial Districts: Permitted uses may include manufacturing facilities, warehouses, storage yards, and research laboratories.

Section 2: Conditional Uses

Certain uses may be permitted within a zoning district subject to approval by the City Planning Board. Such uses shall be deemed conditional and may be subject to additional requirements or limitations.

Article V: Development Standards

Section 1: Setbacks

The requirements for the minimum setback will be determined and put in place for each zoning district. This establishment is essential in ensuring that there is adequate space between various structures and the demarcations of property lines, thereby optimizing the spatial arrangement within each district for effective zoning.

Section 2: Height Restrictions

In each zoning district, restrictions on the maximum height of buildings shall be put in place. This will serve the purpose of maintaining a consistent scale and character of development. These restrictions will ensure that all new constructions adhere to the established aesthetic and scale of the specific district, thereby preserving its unique character.

Section 3: Lot Coverage

To prevent the issue of overdevelopment and to ensure the maintenance of open spaces within each zoning district, it shall be a requirement to establish maximum ratios for lot coverage.

Article VI: Administration and Enforcement

Section 1: Administration

These bylaws shall be administered and enforced by the City Planning Department. The Planning Director or their designee shall have the authority to interpret and apply these regulations.

Section 2: Enforcement

Any person who violates these bylaws shall be subject to enforcement actions, including fines, penalties, and injunctive relief, as provided by law.

Article VII: Amendments

Section 1: Amendment Procedure

These bylaws may be amended from time to time by the City Council following public notice and hearing under state law.

Section 2: Severability

If any provision of these bylaws is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions herein.

Article VIII: Effective Date

Section 1: Effective Date

These bylaws shall take effect upon adoption by the City Council and shall supersede all previous zoning regulations enacted by the city of Kingston.

Section 2: Publication

Notice of the adoption of these bylaws shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the city of Kingston within ten (10) days of adoption.

Section 3: Availability

Copies of these bylaws shall be made available for public inspection and purchase at the office of the City Clerk.

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