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Real Estate Marketing Compliance Checklist

Real Estate Marketing Compliance Checklist

Ensure your real estate marketing strategy adheres to all legal and industry regulations with this comprehensive list of compliance tasks. This checklist breaks down the fundamental sections that you need to consider for an effective, lawful, and successful real estate marketing campaign.

Advertising Regulations

  • All advertising materials comply with fair-housing laws

  • No false or misleading statements are included

  • All property details are accurately represented

  • All demographic descriptions are non-discriminatory

  • Use of intellectual property rights is properly authorized

Data Privacy & Security

  • Privacy policy is updated and clear to users

  • All user data is securely stored and protected

  • Data collection practices are compliant with GDPR and other data protection laws

  • Client consent is obtained before data collection

  • Complaint handing procedures related to data privacy are in place

Online Presence

  • Websites and social media are compliant with all privacy regulations

  • All online content is accurate and complies with fair-housing laws

  • All online advertising is identified as an advertisement

  • Employer branding is consistently portrayed across all platforms

  • All employee social media activity related to work is compliant with company regulations

MLS Compliance

  • All MLS listings are accurate and up-to-date

  • All MLS listings comply with fair-housing laws

  • All marketing materials include accurate MLS numbers

  • All communications regarding MLS listings are accurate

  • No unauthorized use of MLS information has occurred

Email Marketing

  • All email marketing complies with CAN-SPAM Act

  • Opt-out option is clearly provided in every email

  • Email recipient lists are up-to-date and cleaned regularly

  • Subject lines are not misleading

  • All email content is carefully reviewed for compliance before sending

Code of Ethics Compliance

  • Adherence to ethical standards set by industry organizations.

  • Conduct of all marketing activities with integrity and professionalism.

  • Avoidance of unethical practices such as misrepresentation or manipulation.

Review and Approval Process

  • Establishment of process for reviewing and approving marketing materials.

  • Involvement of relevant stakeholders in the review process.

  • Documentation of review and approval for future reference.

Ongoing Training and Education

  • Provision of training and educational resources on marketing compliance.

  • Staying informed about changes to laws, regulations, and industry guidelines.

  • Encouragement of continuous learning and professional development.


  • Maintenance of records of all marketing materials.

  • Retention of records of compliance reviews, approvals, and corrective actions.

  • Organization and accessibility of records for auditing purposes.

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