Free Tssaa(Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association) Bylaws Template



Free Tssaa(Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association) Bylaws Template

Tssaa(Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association) Bylaws

Article I: Introduction

1.1 Purpose: The Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association (TSSAA) establishes these bylaws to govern the eligibility criteria for student-athletes participating in interscholastic athletic competitions within member schools.

1.2 Scope: These bylaws apply to all member schools, student-athletes, coaches, administrators, and other stakeholders involved in secondary school athletics under the jurisdiction of TSSAA.

Article II: Academic Requirements

2.1 Minimum GPA: Student-athletes must maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale in all coursework to be eligible for participation in interscholastic athletics.

2.2 Progress Towards Graduation: Student-athletes must demonstrate satisfactory progress towards graduation as defined by the policies and standards of their respective member schools.

Article III: Age Restrictions

3.1 Age Limit: Student-athletes shall not exceed the maximum age limit of 19 years old on or before August 1st of the current academic year for participation in TSSAA-sanctioned sports.

3.2 Age Verification: Member schools are responsible for verifying the age of student-athletes through official documents such as birth certificates or passports.

3.3 Exceptions: Exceptions to the age limit may be granted by the TSSAA Executive Director under extenuating circumstances, subject to review and approval.

Article IV: Transfer Regulations

4.1 Transfer Eligibility: Student-athletes transferring between member schools must adhere to TSSAA transfer regulations to maintain eligibility for participation in interscholastic athletics.

4.2 Residency Requirement: Transferring student-athletes must establish bona fide residency within the attendance zone of the receiving school or obtain a valid hardship waiver approved by the TSSAA.

4.3 Situational Transfers: Transfers due to changes in guardianship, military relocations, or documented cases of harassment or bullying shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the TSSAA.

Article V: Exceptions and Appeals

5.1 Hardship Waivers: TSSAA may grant hardship waivers on a case-by-case basis for student-athletes facing extenuating circumstances affecting their eligibility.

5.2 Appeals Process: Member schools and student-athletes have the right to appeal eligibility decisions made by TSSAA, following the established procedures outlined in the TSSAA bylaws.

Article VI: Enforcement and Penalties

6.1 Compliance Monitoring: TSSAA shall monitor member schools' adherence to eligibility criteria and investigate any alleged violations or discrepancies.

6.2 Penalties for Violations: Violations of eligibility criteria may result in sanctions, including but not limited to forfeiture of games, suspension of coaches or student-athletes, and probationary status for member schools.

Article VII: Amendments and Revisions

7.1 Amendment Procedures: These bylaws may be amended or revised by the TSSAA Board of Control through a formal process involving proposal, review, and approval.

7.2 Effective Date: Any amendments or revisions to these bylaws shall take effect at the beginning of the next academic year following their adoption by the TSSAA Board of Control.

Article VIII: Final Provisions

8.1 Superseding Clauses: These bylaws supersede any conflicting provisions contained in the bylaws or policies of member schools or other governing bodies.

8.2 Interpretation: The interpretation and application of these bylaws shall be the responsibility of TSSAA, whose decisions shall be final and binding.

8.3 Severability: If any provision of these bylaws is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

This document constitutes the TSSAA Bylaws governing eligibility criteria for student-athletes participating in interscholastic athletics, effective as of [Date].

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