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B Tech Computer Science Syllabus

B. Tech Computer Science Syllabus

B. Tech Computer Science Course

Course Title


Course Code


Class Location


Class Time


Class Duration


1. Course Description

This course is specially designed for B. Tech students enrolled in the Computer Science program. It provides a comprehensive overview of fundamental principles, latest trends and applications in the field of Computer Science. The curriculum will impart broad knowledge and varied skills, stimulating analytical abilities and fostering an efficient problem-solving approach.

2. Instructor Information

Instructor Name: [YOUR NAME]

Contact Email: [YOUR EMAIL]

Organization: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

3. Learning Objectives

  • Understand the fundamental principles of Computer Science.

  • Develop efficient algorithms and coding solutions to tackle real-world problems.

  • Master the use of latest technology and tools in the field of Computer Science.

  • Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements.

  • Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities in the practice of computer science.

4. Course Schedule





Introduction to Computer Science, Programming Basics

Assignment 1: Basic Codes and Programs


Data Structures and Algorithms

Assignment 2: Implementing Data Structures


Web Technologies and Database Systems

Assignment 3: Web Page Development


Software Engineering and Testing

Assignment 4: Software Design


Computer Networks and Security

Assignment 5: Network Security Task

5. Required Reading and Materials

  1. Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas H. Cormen

  2. Database System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korte, S. Sudarshan

  3. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach by James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross

  4. Java: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schilt

  5. Web Technologies: HTML, JAVASCRIPT, PHP, JAVA, JSP, XML and AJAX, Black Book by Cogent Learning Solutions Inc. and dot Editorial Services

6. Assignments and Assessments

  • Assignments will be given every two weeks, with a focus on practical application and problem-solving.

  • There will be class quizzes periodically assessing the understanding of topics covered.

  • A Midterm and Final exam will be conducted testing the overall understanding and knowledge gained throughout the course.

  • Peer-review sessions will be conducted to facilitate collaborative learning and feedback exchange.

  • Attendance is mandatory as class discussions provide integral insights.

7. Course Policy

  • Assignments should be submitted before the deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.

  • Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated.

  • Active participation in class discussions is expected.

  • Regular attendance is crucial. Absentees must arrange to make up for the lost classes.

  • Respectful and courteous communication is expected at all times, both with peers and faculty.

8. Grading Policy







Mid-term exam







The syllabus that has been provided as part of this course should not be considered to be stagnant or unchangeable in nature. Given the dynamic context of the course, there might be situations in which changes necessitate modifications to the syllabus as the requirements and expectations of the class evolve.

Therefore, in the light of potentially occurring changes, it is highly recommended and would be a prudent decision to ensure that you are referring to the most up-to-date and recent version of the course syllabus. This becomes particularly important when you are planning on making significant and crucial decisions that are deeply influenced by the contents and information contained within this syllabus.

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