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Nursing Home Handover Checklist

Nursing Home Handover Checklist

This checklist is designed to facilitate a thorough and smooth handover process for new residents or when transitioning care duties. Please ensure all items are completed and checked off.




Resident Information

Full name and identification number

Date of birth

Emergency contacts

Legal representative information

Medical Information

Medical history summary

List of current medications, dosages, and schedules

Allergies and dietary restrictions

Recent medical assessments

Physician and specialist contact information

Care Plan

Individual care plan document

Scheduled treatments and therapies

Mobility and equipment needs

Personal care requirements

Social and recreational activities plan


Room assignment and location

Inventory of personal items and valuables

Safety and accessibility features in place

Orientation to facility layout and amenities

Financial and Administrative

Review of service contract

Current statement of account

Billing and payment arrangements

Insurance and benefits documentation

Staff and Training

Assignment of primary caregivers

Special training or instructions for care

Schedule for family meetings or updates


Communication preferences

Personal preferences (e.g., meal times, bedtimes)

Any other special instructions or notes

Instructions for Completion:

  • Ensure that all sections of the checklist are thoroughly reviewed and completed.

  • For each item, place a checkmark [✓] in the "Checked" column once confirmed or completed.

Handover Completed By: [Your Name]

Date: [Month, Day, Year]

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