Free Advisory Council Bylaws Template



Free Advisory Council Bylaws Template

Advisory Council Bylaws

Article I: Establishment and Purpose

1.1 Establishment: The Advisory Council ("Council") is hereby established as an advisory body to the Board of Directors ("Board") of [Your Company Name] to provide guidance and expertise on matters pertinent to the organization's mission and goals.

1.2 Purpose: The purpose of the Council is to advise the Board on strategic initiatives, policy development, fundraising efforts, and other key activities essential to the advancement of the organization's mission.

Article II: Membership

2.1 Composition: The Council shall consist of a diverse group of individuals representing various sectors, including but not limited to business, academia, government, and community organizations.

2.2 Appointment: Council members shall be appointed by the Board based on their expertise, experience, and commitment to the organization's mission. The Board shall strive to ensure a balanced representation across different fields and demographics.

Article III: Officers

3.1 Chairperson: The Chairperson shall be elected by the Council from among its members and shall preside over Council meetings, facilitate discussions, and serve as the primary liaison between the Council and the Board.

3.2 Vice-Chairperson: The Vice-Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities and shall assume the role of Chairperson in their absence or incapacity.

3.3 Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of Council meetings, including minutes, attendance, and any official correspondence. Additionally, the Secretary shall ensure that all members are properly notified of meetings and provided with relevant materials promptly.

Article IV: Duties and Responsibilities

4.1 Chairperson: The Chairperson shall convene and preside over Council meetings, set the agenda in consultation with the Vice-Chairperson and Secretary, and represent the Council at Board meetings or other relevant forums.

4.2 Vice-Chairperson: The Vice-Chairperson shall support the Chairperson in fulfilling their duties and shall assume leadership responsibilities in the Chairperson's absence or as delegated by the Chairperson or Council.

4.3 Secretary: The Secretary shall maintain accurate records of Council proceedings, including minutes of meetings, attendance records, and official correspondence. The Secretary shall also ensure that all Council members are kept informed of relevant developments and activities.

Article V: Meetings

5.1 Frequency: The Council shall meet at least quarterly throughout the year, with additional meetings convened as needed to address urgent matters or emerging issues.

5.2 Notice: Notice of Council meetings, including the agenda and any relevant materials, shall be provided to all members at least ten days in advance of the meeting date.

Article VI: Amendments

6.1 Amendment Procedure: These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Council, provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been given to all members at least fifteen days before the meeting at which the amendment(s) will be considered.

6.2 Ratification: Any amendments to these Bylaws must be ratified by the Board to take effect and shall be incorporated into the official record of Council proceedings.

Article VII: Dissolution

7.1 Dissolution Procedure: If the Council is dissolved, either voluntarily or by decision of the Board, any remaining funds, assets, or liabilities shall be distributed or settled under applicable laws and regulations governing nonprofit organizations.

7.2 Disposition of Assets: Upon dissolution, the Board shall determine the appropriate disposition of any remaining assets, taking into consideration the organization's charitable purposes and obligations.

Article VIII: Miscellaneous

8.1 Conflict of Interest: Council members shall adhere to the organization's conflict of interest policy and disclose any potential conflicts that may arise in the course of their duties as Council members.

8.2 Indemnification: Council members shall be indemnified to the fullest extent permitted by law for actions taken in good faith and within the scope of their duties as Council members.

Article IX: Effective Date

9.1 Effective Date: These Bylaws shall become effective upon approval by the Board and shall supersede any previous versions or amendments thereto

Adopted and Approved by the Board of Directors on [Date].

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