Co-Branding Advertising Agreement Form

Co-Branding Advertising Agreement Form

This Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Date], by and between:


Company Name:

[Your Company Name]

Company Address:

[Your Company Address]

Company Email:

[Your Company Email]



Partner Name:

[Partner Name]

Partner Address:

[Partner Company Address]

Partner Email:

[Partner Company Email]

Both collectively acknowledged as partners, [Your Company Name] and [Partner Company Name] have formalized a Co-Branding Advertising Agreement to collaborate on promoting [Your Company Name]'s premium [Products/Services].

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the terms and conditions under which the parties agree to engage in co-branded advertising activities for the month of [Month Year].

2. Co-brand Campaign Details

The Company and Partner agree to jointly promote a co-branded campaign featuring [Your Company Name]'s premium pen collection. The campaign will include, but is not limited to, digital and print advertisements, social media promotions, and in-store displays.

3. Contributions

a. Company Contribution: [Your Company Name] agrees to provide [Your Partner Company Name] with a specified quantity of premium pens for use in promotional materials.

b. Partner Contribution: [Your Partner Company Name] agrees to contribute to the advertisement and selling of the product , including but not limited to, marketing collateral, promotional content, and in-store displays.

4. Duration of Campaign

The co-branded campaign will run exclusively during the month of [Month Year], with both parties committed to actively promoting the collaboration during this period.

5. Marketing Materials

All marketing materials, including but not limited to, logos, images, and promotional content, shall be subject to mutual approval by both parties before use. Both parties agree to maintain the highest standards of quality and professionalism in all promotional materials.

6. Intellectual Property

Each party retains ownership of its respective intellectual property. However, both parties agree to a limited, non-exclusive license to use each other's trademarks and logos solely for the purpose of implementing the co-branded campaign.

7. Costs and Expenses

Each party will bear its own costs and expenses associated with the development, production, and distribution of marketing materials related to the co-branded campaign unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

8. Performance Evaluation

Both parties agree to evaluate the performance of the co-branded campaign at the end of the month and discuss any adjustments or improvements for future collaborations.

9. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to keep confidential all non-public information disclosed during the collaboration, including campaign strategies, trade secrets, and any proprietary information.

10. Termination

Either party may terminate this Agreement with written notice if the other party materially breaches any provision of this Agreement. Termination shall be effective [00] days from the date of written notice.

11. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of [Your Company's State], without regard to its conflict of law principles.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Co-Branding Advertising Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Your Company Name]

By:                                Date: [Current Date]

[Your Name]

[Partner Company Name]

By:                                Date: [Current Date]

[Partner Representative Name]

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