PR Event Run-of-Show in Advertising

PR Event Run-of-Show in Advertising

This document serves as the blueprint for the event's schedule, outlining the timings, activities, and responsibilities. Our goal is to ensure a seamless and engaging experience for all attendees while effectively showcasing [Your Company Name]'s brand and values.

Event Details:

  • Event Name: [Event Title]

  • Date: [Month Day, Year]

  • Location: [Event Venue Address]

Contact Information:

  • Event Coordinator: [Your Name]

  • Email: [Your Personal Email]

  • Phone: [Your User Phone]

  • Company Contact: [Your Company Email]

Event Schedule:



Responsible Person


08:00 AM

Venue Preparation and Setup

[Team Member's Name]

Ensure branding is visible

09:00 AM

Tech Check (Audio/Visual)

[Tech Team Lead]

Test all equipment

09:30 AM

Staff Briefing

[Your Name]

Overview of the day's schedule

10:00 AM

Registration and Welcome Drinks

[Reception Team Lead]

Setup registration desk

10:30 AM

Opening Remarks

[Company CEO/Spokesperson]

Introduction to the event

11:00 AM

Keynote Speech

[Keynote Speaker]

Topic: [Relevant Topic]

11:30 AM

Breakout Sessions

[Session Leaders]

Multiple sessions in parallel

12:30 PM

Lunch Break


Catering by [Catering Company]

01:30 PM

Panel Discussion

[Panelists' Names]

Moderated by [Moderator Name]

02:30 PM

Networking Session


Facilitated by event staff

03:30 PM

Closing Remarks and Thank You

[Your Name]

Announce future events

04:00 PM

Event Ends and Clean Up

[Cleanup Crew Lead]


Event Objectives:

  • Promote [Your Company Name]'s latest [product/service]

  • Enhance brand recognition and networking

  • Provide valuable insights on [Relevant Industry Topic]

Additional Notes:

  • Ensure all branding materials are in line with [Your Company Name]'s guidelines

  • Coordinate with all team leaders for a smooth flow of events

  • Photography and video recording to capture event highlights

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