Tennessee Affidavit of Residence

Tennessee Affidavit of Residence


I, [YOUR NAME], being of lawful age, residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], in the State of Tennessee, do hereby solemnly affirm, under penalty of perjury, as follows:

Statement of Facts

  1. I certify that I am a legal resident of the State of Tennessee, and my current residence address is as stated above.

  2. I further affirm that the aforementioned address is my primary and permanent place of residence.

  3. I understand that this affidavit is being provided for the purpose of employment verification and that any false statements made herein may result in legal consequences.

  4. I authorize the release of this affidavit to my employer, [EMPLOYER'S NAME], for the purpose of verifying my residency status.

  5. I acknowledge that I have been duly sworn by the undersigned authorized official, who is legally allowed to administer oaths in the State of Tennessee.


Executed on this [DATE].


Sworn to and subscribed before me on the date above written.


My Commission Number:                               

My Commission Expires:                               

This affidavit serves as a legal document verifying the residency of the individual named above and is intended for employment verification purposes only.

Affidavit Templates @ Template.net