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Media Inquiry Tracking Advertising Summary

Media Inquiry Tracking Advertising Summary

Inquiry Details

Company Name: [Your Company Name]

Contact Person: [Your Name]

Contact Number: [Your Phone Number]

Email Address: [Your Email Address]

Date Of Inquiry: [November 23, 2050]

Campaign Specifications

A. Campaign Overview

[Your Company Name] is interested in launching a comprehensive digital advertising campaign to promote their new product line targeting the millennial demographic.

B. Media Channels

  • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

  • Display Advertising on Relevant Industry Websites

  • Google Ads

C. Target Audience

  • Age: [18-35]

  • Interests: [Technology, Lifestyle, Innovation]

D. Campaign Duration

  • Start Date: [January 15, 2051]

  • End Date: [February 28, 2051]

Creative Requirements

[Your Company Name] prefers vibrant visuals and engaging copy that aligns with their brand image.

Budgetary Information

A. Budget Allocation

Expense Category

Allocated Budget (USD)

Social Media Advertising


Display Advertising

Google Ads

Creative Production

Contingency (10%)

Total Budget

Response Tracking

A. Chronological Log

  1. November 23, 2050: Initial inquiry received; introductory call scheduled.

  2. November 25, 2050: Introductory call held with John Doe; discussed campaign objectives.

  3. December 2, 2050: Proposal submitted to [Your Company Name].

  4. December 10, 2050: Follow-up email sent to John Doe; awaiting response.

Status And Progress

A. Current Status

Awaiting response from [Your Company Name] after the proposal submission.

B. Milestones

  • Inquiry received and acknowledged.

  • Initial discussion conducted with the client.

  • Proposal submitted on schedule.

C. Next Steps

Pending client feedback; anticipate scheduling a follow-up meeting to address any queries.

Feedback And Notes

A. Internal Feedback

The creative team is enthusiastic about this collaboration. Emphasize the need for innovative visuals to captivate the target audience.

B. Client Feedback: Pending

C. Notes

  • Ensure alignment with [Your Company Name]’s brand guidelines.

  • Highlight campaign's unique selling propositions in subsequent discussions.

Legal And Compliance Considerations

No legal or compliance considerations identified at this stage. Updates will be provided as the collaboration progresses.

Conclusion And Next Steps

The Media Inquiry Tracking Advertising Sheet serves as a comprehensive reference document, ensuring that all relevant details pertaining to the media inquiry from [Your Company Name] are systematically recorded and monitored. This document will be regularly updated to reflect the evolving status of the inquiry and facilitate effective decision-making within the advertising team. The next steps involve awaiting client feedback, addressing any queries, and advancing the collaboration toward the campaign launch scheduled for [January 15, 2051].

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