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Apartment Lease Agreement

Apartment Lease Agreement

This Apartment Lease Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between the Landlord [Landlord's Name] ("Landlord") and the Tenant [Tenant's Name] ("Tenant") on [Date of Agreement], for the lease of the apartment located at 3494 Briercliff Road New York, NY 10013 ("Apartment").

1. Lease Term:

The duration of the term for the lease agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Lease Term," will officially begin operations on the date that has been specified as the Commencement Date, and it will cease to exist or operate on the chosen Termination Date.

It is a stipulated requirement that the individual, organization, or entity referred to as the "Tenant" in this agreement, vacate the premises of the apartment when the Lease Term comes to an end, except if there exists another agreement that dictates otherwise.

This exception depends solely on the condition that the amended agreement is documented in written form and is endorsed mutually by both parties involved in this Lease Term agreement.

2. Rent:

a. The Tenant agrees to pay rent in the amount of [Monthly Rent Amount] per month for the duration of the Lease Term. Rent shall be payable in advance on the [Day of the Month] day of each month.

b. Rent payments shall be made in the form of [Payment Methods]. Payments made after the due date shall incur a late fee of [Late Fee Amount] per day until paid in full.

c. The Tenant agrees that late rent payment beyond [Number of Days] days is a violation of this agreement. Persistent late payments may result in legal action, including eviction, under local tenancy laws. The Tenant commits to promptly inform the Landlord about any issues affecting timely rent payment for possible adjustments.

3. Security Deposit:

a. Upon signing this Agreement, the Tenant shall pay a security deposit of

[Security Deposit Amount] to the Landlord. This deposit shall serve as security for any damages to the Apartment beyond normal wear and tear, unpaid rent, or other obligations under this Agreement.

b. The security deposit shall be returned to the Tenant within [Number of Days] days of the Lease Term's expiration, less any deductions for damages or unpaid rent.

c. Both parties agree to conduct a thorough inspection of the Apartment upon the Tenant's move-in and document any existing damages or issues. This inspection report shall be signed by both the Tenant and the Landlord, with copies provided to each party for reference.

4. Occupancy and Use:

a. The Apartment shall be used solely for residential purposes by the Tenant and listed occupants. Subleasing or assignment of the Apartment by the Tenant without prior written consent from the Landlord is strictly prohibited.

b. The tenant agrees to not engage in illegal activities on the premises and will adhere to all related laws, rules, and regulations enforced by local, state, or federal authorities.

c. The tenant must keep the apartment clean, report necessary repairs promptly, and comply with the landlord's requests for maintenance and upkeep.

5. Maintenance and Repairs:

a. The Landlord shall be responsible for maintaining the Apartment in a habitable condition, including necessary repairs to plumbing, heating, electrical, and structural systems.

b. The Tenant shall promptly notify the Landlord of any necessary repairs or maintenance issues. The Tenant shall be responsible for any damages caused by their negligence or misuse.

c. The Landlord and Tenant will communicate promptly about Apartment issues, with the former providing contact details for maintenance reports and the latter promptly reporting needed repairs as per section 5b. All maintenance-related correspondence must be written for record-keeping.

6. Entry by Landlord:

The Landlord, either personally or through any agents who are authorized by them, holds the right to gain entry into the Apartment. This right can be exercised at any times that are deemed to be reasonable and proper notice must be provided to the occupants of the Apartment before entry.

The entry can be for multiple purposes that include but are not limited to, the inspection of the Apartment for any damage, issues, or violation of the rental agreement.

The execution of any repairs or maintenance tasks that may be necessary, or the showcasing of the Apartment to any individual or parties who are potential tenants or who are interested in purchasing the property.

7. Termination:

a. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon [Notice Period] days' written notice to the other party, provided all obligations under the Agreement have been fulfilled.

b. The Landlord may terminate this Agreement immediately if the Tenant breaches any material provision of this Agreement, including non-payment of rent, illegal activities, or violation of occupancy terms.

c. Upon termination of this Agreement, both parties agree to promptly return any company-owned equipment, documents, or materials in their possession. Furthermore, any outstanding payments or dues owed to either party shall be settled within [specified timeframe] days from the date of termination.

8. Governing Law:

The present Agreement is intended to be guided by, and interpreted according to, the established laws of the jurisdiction that will be subsequently mentioned.

If any issues or conflicts materialize following the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement, the resolution for such matters will be sought after through the methods of arbitration or through the progression of litigation procedures carried out within the legal framework of the courts that are also within the same jurisdiction mentioned previously.

9. Entire Agreement:

The contract or agreement that is being presented represents the totality of the understanding, comprehension, and accord that exists between the involved parties.

This agreement takes precedence and supersedes, meaning it replaces and overrides, any and all previous agreements which might have been in place.

This applies irrespective of whether those previous agreements were made orally or documented in a written format and it will adhere strictly to the subject matter which has been outlined in the contents of this current agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Landlord's Name]

[Date Signed]

[Tenant's Name]

[Date Signed]

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