Brand Color Palette Advertising Specification
Brand Color Palette Advertising Specification
This document outlines the brand color palette specifications for [Your Company Name], an innovative advertising company dedicated to crafting compelling visual narratives. The selected color palette is pivotal in maintaining brand consistency across all forms of media and communications.
Primary Brand Colors
The primary brand colors represent the core identity of [Your Company Name] and are to be used predominantly in all branding materials.
Color Name |
Hex Code |
RGB Values |
CMYK Values |
Azure Blue |
#005F9E |
Vivid Crimson |
#DA291C |
Secondary Brand Colors
These colors complement the primary palette, providing versatility and depth to the design scheme.
Color Name |
Hex Code |
RGB Values |
CMYK Values |
Slate Gray |
#58595B |
Soft Sky Blue |
#87CEEB |
Tertiary Color Palette
Tertiary colors offer additional options for creative expression and are used sparingly.
Color Name |
Hex Code |
RGB Values |
CMYK Values |
Warm Beige |
#D9B382 |
Midnight Blue |
#003366 |
Usage Guidelines
Consistency: Adhere to the specified colors for all marketing materials to maintain brand consistency.
Combination: Colors should be combined thoughtfully to enhance readability and visual appeal.
Adaptability: Flexibility in the use of these colors is encouraged, provided it aligns with the brand's ethos and messaging.
The carefully selected color palette for [Your Company Name] encapsulates the brand's values and aspirations. Consistent application of these colors will strengthen brand recognition and convey the company's message effectively.