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Warranty Agreement

Warranty Agreement

This WARRANTY AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into on this 15th day of April 2050 by and between [Your Name], having a place of business at [Your Company Address], (hereinafter "Manufacturer"), and [Customer Name], residing at [Customer's Address] (hereinafter "Buyer").


1. Warranty

  • The party identified as the Manufacturer in this contract would like to affirm to the Buyer that the product that will be supplied under the conditions of this contract will not contain any flaws related to the quality of material used or the processes and craftsmanship involved in its creation.

  • The Manufacturer further declares and vows to the Buyer that this promise, or warranty, will stay in effect and will remain valid for a duration spanning one (1) year starting from the time of purchase made by the Buyer, a period that we shall refer to henceforth as the "Warranty Period".

2. Coverage and Remedies

  • This warranty provides coverage exclusively for issues or defects that may arise under conditions deemed as normal use. It does not extend its coverage to include any malfunctions or failures that may occur as a result of inappropriate usage or abuse. Also, any problems that arise due to negligence or alterations made to the product will not be covered under this warranty.

  • Furthermore, issues resulting from problems with electrical power or from acts of nature are excluded from the warranty coverage. Any forms of damage or malfunction that occur under abnormal temperatures or humidity levels will also not be recognized under the purview of this warranty.

  • The warranty does not include improper installation-related issues or problems. Any form of damage that, upon investigation by the Manufacturer, is determined to have been caused by the actions of the Buyer, will not be accounted for under this warranty.

3. Limitations and Exclusions

  • The warranty that has been provided for this product does not offer any sort of coverage or protection for a product that, in any shape or form, has been transformed, tampered with, or subjected to any kind of treatment that strays from the instructions that have been expressly provided by the Manufacturer.

  • These instructions pertain specifically to the shipping, storage, as well as operation of the product under consideration. Moreover, this warranty also does not extend coverage to include any potential damage that may occur as a consequence of a pest infestation.

  • The warranty also specifies that it will not encompass any damage or negative effects that might transpire as a result of utilizing cleaning solutions or agents that are inappropriate or not recommended for this specific item. These particular provisions and details are laid out under the terms and conditions of the aforementioned product warranty.

4. Responsibilities of the Buyer

  • The Manufacturer requires that the Buyer commit to an obligation involving formal written notice in the event of detection of any defects or imperfections in the product. The process of formal notice involves providing a detailed explanation regarding the nature of the defects discovered. This aforementioned process must be initiated and completed within a timeframe of thirty (30) days (equivalent to a calendar month) from the precise date when such defects were first made apparent or discovered.

  • Failure to provide such notification within this allocated thirty-day period is seen as non-compliance with the agreed-upon terms, which then subjects the Buyer to repercussions. It is crucial to highlight one particular repercussion of this non-compliance: the manufacturer holds the right to render the warranty associated with the said product invalid.

  • This essentially means that the Manufacturer will no longer be obliged to provide any repairs, replacements, or refunds usually covered under the warranty. Therefore, timely notification of any defects discovered is not merely a recommendation, but indeed a strict obligation imposed on the Buyer to safeguard their interests.

5. Governing Law & Dispute Resolution

The warranty that is being referred to within the context of this statement will be under control and regulated by the laws that are enforceable within the specific jurisdiction mentioned. In the event of any disagreements, conflicts, or issues that stem from, or are directly related to this agreement, solving such matters will be carried out through a systematic process of arbitration.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties duly affix their signatures below:



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