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Child Visitation Agreement

Child Visitation Agreement

This Child Visitation Agreement (the "Agreement") is made effective as of May 15, 2056, (the "Effective Date") by and between the Custodial Parent and the Non-Custodial Parent, collectively referred to herein as "the Parties".


The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions of visitation rights and responsibilities of the Parties due to separation or divorce. The Agreement aims to establish a formal visitation schedule that ensures consistency in terms of access for both parents and maintains the best interests of the child/children involved. This Agreement serves as a legal document of the arrangements agreed upon by the Parties.


Both Parties hereby agree to abide by the conditions and arrangements outlined in this Agreement about the visitation rights of the child/children. Any changes or modifications to the said schedule need to be made in writing and mutually agreed upon by the Parties involved. The terms of visitation include:

  • Visitation Schedule: A detailed schedule specifying visitation days, times, and locations, including holidays and special occasions.

  • Transportation: Clarification on transportation responsibilities for the child/children to and from visitation, including any associated costs.

  • Communication: Guidelines for communication between the child/children and the non-custodial parent during visitation, such as phone calls or video chats.

  • Access to Information: Agreement on sharing information regarding the child/children's medical, educational, and extracurricular activities between both parents.

  • Supervised Visitation: Provision for supervised visitation if necessary for the safety and well-being of the child/children.

  • Flexibility: Recognition of the need for flexibility in the visitation schedule due to unforeseen circumstances, with procedures for notifying and accommodating changes.

  • Conflict Resolution: Procedures for addressing conflicts or disagreements regarding visitation, including mediation or legal intervention if necessary.

  • Relocation: Protocol for handling visitation arrangements if either parent relocates to a different area, city, or state.


1. Custodial Parent Responsibilities:

  • Ensuring the child/children are ready for visitation according to the agreed-upon schedule.

  • Providing necessary items such as clothing, medications, and personal belongings for the child/children during visitation periods.

  • Facilitating communication between the child/children and the Non-Custodial Parent during visitation, if applicable.

2. Non-Custodial Parent Responsibilities:

  • Respectfully adhering to the visitation schedule and arriving promptly for visitation exchanges.

  • Providing a safe and suitable environment for the child/children during visitation periods.

  • Communicating any concerns or issues regarding visitation to the Custodial Parent promptly.

Child's Best Interests: Both Parties agree to prioritize the child/children's well-being and best interests in all matters related to visitation, including maintaining a positive and supportive relationship between the child/children and both parents.

Conflict Resolution: In the event of disagreements or disputes regarding visitation, both Parties agree to engage in constructive dialogue and seek resolution through mediation or other appropriate means, with the ultimate goal of minimizing conflict and ensuring the child/children's welfare.


This Agreement is typically utilized in instances such as a divorce or separation, in circumstances where both parents have joint custody of their offspring. The primary purpose of this Agreement is to guarantee that child visitation schedules are established and easy to predict, always taking into consideration the ultimate well-being and best interests of the children implicated in the process. If circumstances necessitate, this Agreement possesses the flexibility to be adjusted or entirely replaced by an authoritative command issued by a Court.


Any disputes arising under or about this Agreement shall be resolved through mediation, arbitration, or as per the jurisdictional laws applicable to the Parties involved. Both Parties hereby agree to negotiate in good faith in the event of any disagreements regarding the schedule or terms of this Agreement.

In Witness Whereof, the Parties have duly executed this Child Visitation Agreement as of the date first set forth above.





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