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in-House Separation Agreement

in-House Separation Agreement

Section 1: Introduction

This In-House Separation Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into on [Date of Agreement] by and between [Your Name], residing at3284 Buckhannan Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13202, and [Party B], residing at 3284 Buckhannan Avenue Syracuse, NY 13202, collectively referred to as the "Parties".

Section 2: Purpose

The Parties involved in this scenario have come to a mutual agreement about separating and they have expressed their wish to formalize the terms and conditions that will govern their separation.

The comprehension of rights, responsibilities, and obligations that has been established between the involved Parties has been meticulously and comprehensively articulated and has been encompassed in the entirety of the present Agreement.

Section 3: Effective Date

This Agreement is set to become valid and officially take effect starting from the date upon which it is executed, or legally signed and accepted, by both Parties involved. This particular date is hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Date".

Section 4: Separation

  1. The individuals involved in this agreement, hereby known as The Parties, are in mutual accord and understanding to undertake separation.

  2. This separation includes not only a physical disconnection, whereby they cease their shared living arrangement and physically reside apart from one another, but also a financial separation, disentangling their shared financial responsibilities and assets, and beginning to operate independently in a financial sense.

  3. Each Party involved in this agreement will be fully granted with the entitlement and freedom to exist separately and maintain a lifestyle of their independence, devoid of any intrusion, manipulation, or authoritative control exerted by any other Party involved in the same context or agreement.

Section 5: Custody and Care of Children

  1. The Parties shall share joint legal custody of their minor child(ren), [Child(ren)'s Name(s)], born on [Child(ren)'s Date(s) of Birth].

  2. The Parties shall agree on a parenting schedule, including holidays and vacations, to ensure regular and meaningful contact with the children.

  3. The Parties shall mutually agree on major decisions affecting the children's welfare, including but not limited to education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.

  4. Both Parties shall maintain open and honest communication regarding the children's well-being and shall cooperate in making decisions that are in their best interests.

Section 6: Financial Arrangements

Division of Assets:

The Parties have agreed upon the division of marital assets as follows:

Real Estate:

  • Marital Home: Located at 3284 Buckhannan Avenue Syracuse, NY 13202, to be retained by [Your Name] with a buyout payment of $150 to [Party B].

  • Vacation Property: Situated at 2245 Sigley Road Lincoln, KS 67455, to be transferred solely to [Party B].

  1. Financial Assets:

  • Retirement Accounts: [Your Name] retains 50% of the total value of all retirement accounts, while [Party B] is entitled to 50%.

  • Investment Portfolio: Divided equally between the Parties, with each receiving 50% of the current value.

  • Personal Property: Vehicles: [Your Name] keeps [Car Model 1], and [Party B] retains ownership of [Car Model 2].

  • Household Items: Equitably distributed according to mutual agreement, with a comprehensive inventory attached as Appendix A.

Division of Debts: The Parties have agreed upon the division of marital debts as follows:


Responsibility for the remaining mortgage on the marital home is assumed by [Your Name], who will be solely liable for future payments.

Credit Card Debt:

Equitably divided, with [Your Name] responsible for 50% and for [percentage].

Student Loans:

[Your Name] agrees to bear full responsibility for the outstanding student loans in their name, while b will manage debts in their name accordingly.

Spousal Support (if applicable):

  • [Party A/Party B] shall pay $50 monthly to [Party B/Party A] for 10 years, commencing on July 10, 2050, payable on the 17th of each month. Payment shall be made via direct bank transfer.

Child Support (if applicable):

  • [Party A/Party B] agrees to pay child support for $25 per month for each child, commencing on July 10, 2050. Payment shall be made on the 17th of each month via direct bank transfer. Additionally, child support shall be subject to adjustment following any changes in income or circumstances, with both Parties committing to regular review and open communication regarding the children's needs.

Section 7: Health Insurance

It is an established term of this agreement that all parties who are involved must endeavor to uphold and maintain their current health insurance.

This includes not only their coverage plans but also extends to the health insurance coverage applicable to their children, should they have any. Furthermore, it is incumbent upon these parties to bear the entirety of the costs that are directly associated with this health insurance coverage.

It must be noted that any sort of financial obligations that may occur as a consequence of preserving this coverage, whether it pertains to the parties' health insurance or the health insurance coverage of their children, will rest exclusively and solely on these parties themselves.

Section 8: Confidentiality

The Parties in question have reached a mutual agreement to maintain the confidentiality of all the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement, except for scenarios where there is a legal obligation to disclose such information or in cases where both Parties have provided their written consent authorizing the disclosure of the aforementioned information.

Section 9: Amendment and Modification

Any modifications or adjustments being made to this Agreement must be thoroughly documented in a written format.

This is to ensure the clarity and legality of the changes, making certain that the agreed-upon alterations are not misinterpreted or forgotten. Moreover, to affirm the mutual consent on these changes or adaptations to this Agreement, both parties involved in this Agreement must provide their official signatures.

This not only validates their acceptance of the changes but also adds credibility and authority, showing that all involved parties stand in unison with the modifications made.

Section 10: Governing Law

The regulation, interpretation, and enforceability of this Agreement shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction and will be under the laws of the specified State or Country mentioned in the agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Your Name]

[Date Signed]

[Party B]

[Date Signed]

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