Honeymoon Out Of Office Message

Honeymoon Out Of Office Message

Subject: Absence Notification [YOUR NAME]


I wish to inform you that I, [YOUR NAME], [YOUR POSITION] at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], will be out of office starting today. The purpose for my absence is to enjoy my honeymoon, a treasured time that I have been looking forward to.

During this period, my email response time will not be as prompt as it usually is. However, rest assured that your queries and concerns remain our top priority. For any immediate attention or urgent matters, please feel free to contact my colleague, [ALTERNATIVE CONTACT NAME], at [ALTERNATIVE CONTACT EMAIL].

I will make sure to respond to your emails as soon as possible once I return to work. Your patience and understanding during this period is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Best Regards,


Out of Office Message Templates @ Template.net