Brand Asset Advertising Release Form

Brand Asset Advertising Release Form

This document authorizes the use of specific brand assets by third parties. Please fill in all sections accurately to ensure proper usage and adherence to the terms of use, safeguarding your brand's integrity and legal rights.

This Brand Asset Advertising Form serves as a formal agreement between [Your Company Name] ("Asset Owner") and the undersigned party ("Recipient"), granting limited permission to use specific brand assets for advertising purposes, as outlined herein.

Parties Involved

Asset Owner:

Name: [Your Company Name]

Address: [Your Company Address]

Contact: [Your Company Email, Your Company Number]


Name: [Recipient's Name/Company]

Address: [Recipient's Address]

Contact: [Recipient's Email, Recipient's Phone Number]

Description of Brand Assets

The following brand assets are subject to this release:

  1. Logo

The official [Your Company Name] logo, featuring a stylized depiction of a globe and a digital network, symbolizing global connectivity and technological advancement. The logo utilizes a color palette of blue and green gradients. (Attachment: [Your Company Name]_Logo.png)

  1. Slogans

  1. Product Images 

Image 1: [Product Name] 

Image 2: [Product Name]

Image 3: [Product Name]

Terms of Use

a. The Recipient is authorized to use the above-mentioned brand assets solely for advertising purposes in the context of the "Global Tech Innovations 2050" campaign. This campaign focuses on showcasing [Your Company Name]'s latest technological advancements in sustainable energy solutions, targeting audiences in the tech and environmental sectors across digital and traditional media platforms.

b. Modification or alteration of the brand assets is not permitted without prior written consent from [Your Company Name].

c. The assets must be presented in a manner consistent with [Your Company Name]'s brand guidelines.

Duration and Expiration

a. Effective Date: [Month Day, Year]

b. Expiration Date: [Month Day, Year]

Liabilities and Indemnities

a. The Recipient agrees to use the brand assets responsibly and in a manner that does not harm the reputation of [Your Company Name].

b. [Your Company Name] is indemnified from any legal issues arising from the Recipient's use of the assets.

Revocation Clause

[Your Company Name] reserves the right to revoke this authorization at any time if the terms of this agreement are breached.

Signature and Agreement

By signing below, both parties agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this document.

Asset Owner's Signature:                                  Date: MM/DD/YYYY


Recipient's Signature:                                        Date: MM/DD/YYYY


Prepared by: 

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Email]


Additional Notes

  • This authorization is specific to the assets and campaign outlined above.

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