Kentucky Affidavit of Title

Kentucky Affidavit of Title




I/We, [YOUR NAME], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], hereby declare under oath that I/we hold the position of Owner with respect to the property that is subject to this affidavit. As the owner(s), I/we possess full authority and right to execute and deliver this affidavit, which concerns the property detailed herein.

Statement of Facts:

  1. Property Address: [Full Address of Property].

  2. Legal Description: [Legal Description of Property, including Lot, Block, and Subdivision or Metes and Bounds Description].

  3. I/We am/are the legal owner(s) of the property described above and have the right and authority to sell said property.

  4. The property is free from all liens, encumbrances, mortgages, and other claims, except as follows: [List any existing liens or encumbrances, or state "None"].

  5. There are no disputes, challenges, or issues related to the ownership or title of the property that have not been disclosed.

  6. There have been no improvements to the property within the last [Specify Period] that could result in mechanic's liens.

  7. I/We have not entered into any contracts for the sale, lease, or mortgage of the property other than the contract related to the current sale.

  8. There are no known undisclosed issues or defects with the title to the property.

Purpose of Affidavit:

This affidavit is made for the purpose of clearing any clouds or doubts on the property’s title before the sale and is to be used by the buyer, [Buyer's Full Name], their legal representatives, and/or [Lender's Name] in relation to the sale and financing of the property described above.

Oath or Affirmation:

I/We make this affidavit knowing that it is made for the reliance of the parties involved in the sale of the aforementioned property, understanding the legal consequences of swearing or affirming false statements within this affidavit.



Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this [DAY] of [MONTH], [YEAR].


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