Hurricane Out Of Office Message

Hurricane Out Of Office Message

Subject: Office closure due to severe weather conditions

Dear colleague,

This is to notify you that [YOUR NAME], the [YOUR POSITION] at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], will be unavailable and our office will remain closed due to the impending severe weather conditions.

Notification of Absence: The projected duration of the office closure is set to be from [START OF ABSENCE] to [END OF ABSENCE]. Please note that this is subject to change depending on weather updates.

Reason for Absence: The safety and well-being of our employees are of utmost importance, hence the decision to close the office during this period.

Alternative Contact Information: During the closure period, please direct your queries and concerns to [ALTERNATIVE CONTACT NAME] at [ALTERNATIVE CONTACT EMAIL].

Expected Response Time: Despite the office closure, the team will work remotely as far as possible to ensure that normal operations continue. Please expect a response within a [STANDARD RESPONSE TIME].

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this unforeseen circumstance. We urge everyone to stay safe and follow the advice of the local authorities regarding the severe weather conditions.

Best Regards,

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