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Post-Event Survey in Advertising

Post-Event Survey in Advertising

Welcome to the [Event Name] Advertising Campaign Feedback Survey. Your insights are crucial for us at [Your Company Name] to understand the impact of our recent advertising campaign. Your feedback will help us enhance our future marketing strategies. The survey should take approximately [5-10 minutes] to complete.

Contact Information:

Name: [Your User Name]

Email: [Your User Email]

Affiliation with [Your Company Name]: (Customer, Partner, Subscriber, etc.)

General Impression

1. Overall, how would you rate the [Event Name] advertising campaign?

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Average

  • Poor

  • Very Poor

2. What was your initial reaction to the advertisement?

  • Very Positive

  • Somewhat Positive

  • Neutral

  • Somewhat Negative

  • Very Negative

Campaign Content

1. How relevant did you find the content of the advertisement to [Event Name]?

  • Extremely Relevant

  • Moderately Relevant

  • Slightly Relevant

  • Not Relevant at All

2. Was the message of the advertisement clear and understandable?

  • Yes, very clear

  • Somewhat clear

  • Neutral

  • Somewhat unclear

  • No, not clear at all

Engagement and Response

1. How likely are you to recommend [Event Name] to a friend or colleague based on the advertisement?

  • Extremely likely

  • Likely

  • Neutral

  • Unlikely

  • Extremely unlikely

2. Did the advertisement lead you to take any of the following actions? (Select all that apply)

  • Visited [Your Company Website]

  • Contacted [Your Company Number] for more information

  • Followed [Your Company Social Media]

  • Made a purchase

  • None of the above

Specific Feedback

1. What did you like most about the advertisement for [Event Name]?

2. What aspects of the advertisement could be improved?

Demographic Information (Optional)

1. Age Range:

  • Under 18

  • 18-24

  • 25-34

  • 35-44

  • 45-54

  • 55-64

  • 65+

2. Gender:

  • Female

  • Male

  • Non-binary/Third gender

  • Prefer not to say

3. Location:

Thank you for participating in the [Event Name] Advertising Campaign Feedback Survey. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping [Your Company Name]'s future advertising strategies. If you have any further comments or inquiries, please contact us at [Your Company Email] or [Your Company Number].

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