Marketing Agreement

Marketing Agreement

This Marketing Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of [Date] by and between [Your Company Name], having a principal place of business at [Your Company Address] ("Company") and [Marketing Partner's Company Name], having a principal place of business at [Marketing Partner's Company Address] ("Marketing Partner"). Each may be referred to as a "Party," and collectively as the "Parties."

I. Purpose

The purpose of this Agreement is to define the terms and conditions under which the Marketing Partner will assist the Company in promoting and selling its product or service. This Agreement sets out the Parties' roles and responsibilities to facilitate a fair and mutually beneficial arrangement.

II. Obligations of Marketing Partner

  • Utilize skills, expertise, and resources effectively

    Marketing Partner commits to using their capabilities to promote the Company's products effectively.

  • Follow agreed marketing strategies

    Obligation to adhere to jointly agreed marketing plans ensures alignment with the Company's goals.

  • Maintain communication

    The Marketing Partner must keep the Company informed of activities to ensure transparency and collaboration.

  • Provide performance reports

    Regular reports enable evaluation and adjustment of marketing efforts for better outcomes.

III. Obligations of Company

  • Provide information

    The company supplies the Marketing Partner with necessary product/service details for effective marketing.

  • Offer support

    The company assists the Marketing Partner as needed to fulfill Agreement obligations, providing resources and guidance.

  • Handle deliveries and fulfillment

    The company manages product/service delivery and fulfillment tasks, addressing any customer service needs.

IV. Marketing Materials and Approval

Any marketing materials or content need to be approved by the Company before usage. The company shall provide quick feedback and approval to not impede the smooth functioning of Marketing activities. Each Party will respect and uphold the other's brand guidelines which will be mutually agreed upon during the planning phase.

V. Terms of Payment




  • Monthly


  • Bank transfer

Percentage Fees

  • 2% of the total invoice amount

Timely Payments

  • The company commits to making payments within 15 days of receiving an invoice.

Late Payment Penalties

  • Late payments may incur a penalty of 5% per day after the due date.

VI. Term and Termination

The Agreement will take effect on the date of signing and shall continue until terminated by either Party with a written notice. The reasons for such termination can include breach of Agreement terms, failure of the other party to meet its responsibilities, financial insolvency, or for any other reason stated in the Agreement. Termination requires a notice period of 30 days.

VII. Confidentiality

All information shared under the Agreement is to be treated as Confidential. Such Information includes but is not limited to business plans, customer lists, operation procedures, trade secrets, design formulas, and programming codes. Parties agree not to reveal, disclose, or make use of any Confidential Information, except as necessary to perform their duties under this Agreement. This obligation shall survive beyond the termination of the Agreement.

VIII. Indemnification

Each Party shall indemnify and hold harmless the other Party and its representative from any lawsuit, claim, loss, or damages, due to the Party's actions breaching the Agreement or related to its products or services being harmful or causing injuries.

IX. Governing Law

All parties involved are entering into an Agreement that will be subject to and governed by the laws and regulations operative within the state of [State]. It mandates strict adherence to these laws for every component of this Agreement. Legal provisions or conflicts typical of such agreements will not have any bearing on this specific Agreement.

Both parties signify their understanding and acceptance of these terms by signing below.

[Your Company Representative Name]

[Marketing Partner Representative Name]

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