Company Property Agreement

Company Property Agreement

The Corporation, [Your Company Name], situated at [Your Company Address] under the jurisdiction of [Jurisdiction], and the Employee, [Employee Name], residing at [Employee Address], have mutually agreed upon this Company Property Agreement (the "Agreement") on April 15, 2050, outlining the terms of usage for company-owned equipment and materials.


1. Company Property

The following items are considered company property for this Agreement:

  • Laptop computer

  • Mobile phone

  • Company vehicle (if applicable)

  • Any other equipment or materials provided by the Company for work-related purposes

2. Use of Company Property

The Employee agrees to use the company property responsibly and solely to carry out their duties and responsibilities within the scope of their employment with the Company.

3. Maintenance and Care

The Employee agrees to maintain company property in good condition and promptly report any damage, loss, or malfunction to the appropriate supervisor or department.

4. Return of Company Property

Upon termination of employment or at the request of the Company, the Employee agrees to return all company property in their possession, including but not limited to equipment, materials, and access cards, in good condition, with reasonable wear and tear expected.

5. Ownership of Company Property

The Employee acknowledges that all company property provided to them remains the sole property of the Company and agrees not to sell, transfer, or dispose of company property without prior authorization from the Company.

6. Confidentiality

The Employee agrees to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or confidential information accessed or stored on company property and not to disclose such information to unauthorized parties.

7. Termination

This Agreement shall remain in effect until termination of employment with the Company. Upon termination, the Employee's obligations under this Agreement, including the return of company property and confidentiality obligations, shall continue to apply.

8. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed by the laws of [Jurisdiction].

9. Signatures

In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.


[Your Name]
[Date Signed]

[Employee Name]
[Date Signed]

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