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Influencer Rate Advertising Form

Influencer Rate Advertising Form

Date: [Month Day Year]

This form outlines the agreed rates for various promotional activities undertaken by influencers as part of our advertising campaigns. Our goal is to ensure transparency and mutual understanding regarding compensation and campaign involvement.

Influencer Details:



Influencer Name:

[Your Name]

Contact Email:

[Your Personal Email]

Contact Phone:

[Your User Phone]

Social Media Handles:

[Your Social Media]

Rate Details:

The following table outlines the rates agreed upon for various promotional activities to be undertaken by the influencer.



Rate (USD)

Single Post - Instagram

One-time post on Instagram


Blog Entry

500-word blog post


YouTube Video

5-minute promotional video


Story Series - Instagram

Series of 3 stories

[$000.00]per story

Twitter Campaign

Series of 5 tweets

[$000.00]per tweet

Campaign and Payment Details:



Campaign Name:

[Campaign Name]

Campaign Duration:

[Start Date] - [End Date]

Total Compensation:


Payment Terms:

50% upfront, 50% upon completion

Additional Agreements:

[Any additional agreements or conditions]

Influencer Confirmation:

I, [Your Name], agree to the above rates and terms for my participation in the [Campaign Name] campaign organized by [Your Company Name].

Influencer Signature:                               

Date: [Month Day Year]

Company Representative Signature:                               

Date: [Month Day Year]

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