Christmas Vacation Out Of Office Message

Christmas Vacation Out Of Office Message

SUBJECT: Christmas Vacation Notice

Dear Colleagues,

This is to inform you that I, [YOUR NAME], as the [YOUR POSITION] of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], will be out of the office for the upcoming Christmas vacation. My vacation period will start from [DATE] and will last until [DATE]

In my absence, in case of any urgent matters, you may contact [ALTERNATIVE CONTACT NAME], who holds the position of [ALTERNATIVE CONTACT POSITION]. They can be reached at [ALTERNATIVE EMAIL OR NUMBER]. They will be more than willing to assist you.

Please note that some delay may occur in response time during the holiday season, and we appreciate your patience and understanding.

As we walk into this festive season, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Best Regards,




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