Recruitment Agreement

Recruitment Agreement

This Recruitment Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on [DATE] between [YOUR COMPANY NAME], hereinafter referred to as "Recruiter", and [CLIENT'S NAME], hereinafter referred to as "Client".

1. Introduction

This Recruitment Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is entered into by and between the Recruiter and the Client as of the date mentioned above. This Agreement outlines the terms and conditions governing the recruitment services provided by the Recruiter to the Client.

2. Scope of Services

2.1 Candidate Sourcing

The Recruiter agrees to provide recruitment services to the Client, including but not limited to candidate sourcing, screening, and placement for the positions specified by the Client.

2.2 Candidate Screening

The Client agrees to provide the Recruiter with necessary information regarding job descriptions, qualifications, and other relevant details for the positions to be filled.

2.3 Client Information Provision

The services that will be offered and executed by the Recruiter will be carried out and maintained according to the recognized industry standards and the best-known professional procedures and practices.

3. Candidate Sourcing and Screening

3.1 Candidate Sourcing

The Recruiter is hereby obligated and expected to exercise and put forth reasonable efforts, including but not limited to employing their skills, experience, and resources, to locate, source, identify, and properly screen candidates who meet the qualifications and requirements for the job and positions explicitly identified, detailed and specified by the Client.

3.2 Candidate Screening

The individual who is functioning as the Recruiter is obliged to supply the Client with detailed profiles of potential candidates, their corresponding resumes, as well as any other pertinent pieces of information that may be necessary. This information is provided for the Client's assessment and contemplation in their decision-making process.

3.3 Client Feedback

The Client is obliged to undertake an evaluation of the submissions of all potential candidates promptly. After conducting the review, the Client is also required to supply the recruiter with constructive feedback regarding these candidate submissions.

4. Placement

4.1 Facilitation of Placement

When the screening process has been completed, it is the responsibility of the Recruiter to aid in the positioning and placement of candidates with the Client.

4.2 Notification of Candidate Selection

The Client has agreed that they will, without any delay, communicate their decision to the Recruiter when they have selected a candidate for placement.

4.3 Terms of Employment

The client and the chosen candidate will engage in a direct negotiation process to decide upon the terms that will apply to the employment relationship. These terms cover a comprehensive range of elements and are not strictly limited to the salary that the selected candidate will receive. Apart from the monetary compensation, other benefits that might be part of the employment package will also be agreed upon during these negotiations. Additionally, the date on which the selected applicant will formally begin their role with the client, also known as the 'start date,' will be determined and mutually agreed upon during these discussions.

5. Fees

5.1 Fee Agreement

As a result of taking into consideration the recruitment services provided to the client by the Recruiter, there has been an agreement set forth between the two parties. This agreement dictates that the Client is obliged to compensate the Recruiter for their services in the form of a placement fee. The calculation of this fee has been agreed upon as being an amount equivalent to 15% of the candidate's first-year salary.

5.2 Payment Terms

Upon successfully placing a candidate with the Client, the fee for such placement shall fall due and consequently, becomes payable by the client.

6. Confidentiality

6.1 Confidential Information

Both parties involved in this process have mutually agreed that they will uphold the confidentiality of any proprietary or sensitive information. This pertains to all such information that is exchanged or shared during the entire course of the recruitment process. They understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality to protect the proprietary rights and sensitive details involved.

6.2 Obligations of Confidentiality

Confidential information includes but is not limited to candidate resumes, client business strategies, and recruitment strategies.

7. Termination

7.1 Notice of Termination

This Agreement can be terminated by either party involved, provided that they give written notice of termination to the other party involved.

7.2 Settlement of Obligations Upon Termination

Should there be a termination of the agreement, it will be the responsibility of the Client to shoulder any associated fees that have been incurred as a result of services provided, up until the specific date when the termination officially takes place.

8. Governing Law

The Agreement that both parties are undertaking to abide by will be under the jurisdiction of and interpreted in line with the laws that are applicable in the State of California.

9. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.

In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.



[CLIENT'S NAME] (Client)


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