Out Of Office Instagram Message

Out Of Office Instagram Message

Subject: Temporary Absence Notification

Dear valued followers,

This is [YOUR NAME], your trusted [YOUR POSITION] at [YOUR COMPANY NAME] reaching out. I'm writing to inform you that I will be temporarily unavailable on Instagram for a while. My absence will be from [START DATE] to [END DATE].

During this period, I encourage you to get in touch with my colleague, [ALTERNATIVE CONTACT's NAME], who will be available to assist you in my stead. You can reach out to them via Instagram DM or at [ALTERNATIVE CONTACT's EMAIL]. They can also be reached at [ALTERNATIVE CONTACT's CONTACT NUMBER] during regular business hours.

The reason for my absence is [YOUR REASON, OPTIONAL]. Upon my return, I will strive to respond to all missed messages within [EXPECTED RESUME TIME].

Your understanding and patience during my absence is greatly appreciated. I value your continued engagement with [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and look forward to catching up with you soon.

Until then, feel free to explore our profile for previous posts that might interest you. Our commitment to serving you remains unchanged.

Thank you for your understanding.




Out of Office Message Templates @ Template.net