Out Of Office Message for Training Session

Out Of Office Message for Training Session

Training Session Attendance: Temporary Unavailability

Dear Sender,

I am writing to let you know that I, [YOUR NAME], currently holding the position as [YOUR POSITION] at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], will be out of the office due to compulsory training session.

Please be informed that I will not be accessible from [START DATE OF YOUR ABSENCE] to [END DATE OF YOUR ABSENCE].

If any urgent matter arises during my absence, kindly consider reaching out to [ALTERNATIVE CONTACT's NAME] who can be reached at [ALTERNATIVE CONTACT's EMAIL ADDRESS].

Furthermore, I will be checking emails sporadically, but please expect a delay in response time. Rest assured, I will attend to any pending matters promptly upon my return on [DATE OF AVAILABILITY].

Thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards,


Out of Office Message Templates @ Template.net