Nursing Home Room Change Form

Nursing Home Room Change Form

This Nursing Home Room Change Form is designed to facilitate room changes for residents within our facility. Please fill out all sections accurately, specifying the reason for the change and providing necessary details. Ensure resident or representative acknowledgment before proceeding.

Resident's Full Name:

Room Number:

Date of Birth:

Date of Admission:

Reason for Room Change

Please select the reason for the room change:

  • Medical Necessity

  • Resident Preference

  • Safety Concerns

  • Other (Please specify):

New Room Details

New Room Number:

Reason for Requested Room:

Effective Date of Room Change:

Staff Instructions

Please ensure that all resident belongings are safely transferred to the new room. Update resident's room information in the facility's records and systems. Notify appropriate staff members of the room change. Conduct necessary assessments or evaluations as per facility policy.



I, [Staff Name], hereby approve the room change request based on the reasons provided above and in compliance with nursing home regulations and standards.

[Month, Day, Year]

I, the undersigned resident or legal representative, acknowledge and consent to the room change as specified above.

[Month, Day, Year]


For office use only

Room Change Processed By:

[Month, Day, Year]

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