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Advertising Solutions Fact Form

Advertising Solutions Fact Form

Date: [MM-DD-YYYY]

Client Information

Client Name:

[Your Client Name]

Contact Person:

[Your Client Representative]


[Your Client / Subscriber / User Email]


[Your Client Number]


[Your Client Address]


[Your Client Website]


[Client's Industry]

Campaign Objectives

Campaign Name:

[Campaign Name, e.g., Eco-Friendly Initiative Campaign]


Increase awareness and sales for [Your Client Name]'s new eco-friendly product line.

Target Audience:

Environmentally conscious consumers, ages [20-45], primarily located in urban areas.

Expected Outcome:

Achieve a [25%] increase in website traffic and a 15% rise in sales for the new product line within three months.

Advertising Budget

Total Budget:

[Amount, e.g., $100,000]


A. Social Media Marketing

[Amount, e.g., $40,000]

B. Online Advertising

[Amount, e.g., $30,000]

C. Print Media

[Amount, e.g., $20,000]

D. Influencer Partnerships

[Amount, e.g., $10,000]

Payment Terms

50% upfront, 25% midway through the campaign, 25% upon completion.

Campaign Details


[Month Day, Year] to [Month Day, Year].


Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

Google AdWords

Local Eco-Friendly Magazines

Influencer Collaborations on Social Media

Key Messages:

"Join [Your Client Name] in making the world greener."

"Sustainable choices for a better future."

Creative Requirements:

Use of green and earthy tones in visuals.

High-resolution images showcasing eco-friendly products.

Video content emphasizing sustainability.

Performance Metrics

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

Website Traffic Increase

Conversion Rate Improvement

Engagement Rate on Social Media

ROI on Ad Spend

Reporting Frequency:

Monthly performance reports.

Analytics Tools:

Google Analytics, Social Media Insights.

Legal and Compliance

Legal Requirements:

Ensure all advertisements comply with FTC guidelines on environmental marketing claims.

Compliance Standards:

Adherence to regional advertising regulations.

Approval Process:

All creative materials are to be approved by [Your Client Name]'s legal team before release.

Contact Information For Queries:


[Your Name]


[Your Email]


[Your Company Number]

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