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Nursing Home Infection Control Log Form

Nursing Home Infection Control Log Form

This form is a critical tool in managing and monitoring infection control measures at [Your Company Name]. It is designed to document any incidents of infection among residents, the response actions taken, and the outcomes of those actions. Accurate and timely documentation is essential for maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all residents and staff. Please complete this form diligently whenever an infection incident occurs.

Incident Information

Date of Incident


Resident Name

Room Number

Type of Infection

Incident Details

Symptoms Reported

Date Symptoms Began

Suspected Source of Infection

Response Actions

Initial Response

Medications Administered

Date of Medical Consultation

Follow-Up Actions


Date of Resolution

Current Health Status

Preventative Measures

Additional Sanitation

Changes in Protocols


Documented By: [Nurse Name]

Date: [MM-DD-YYYY]

This Nursing Home Infection Control Log Form ensures meticulous tracking and management of infection-related incidents within our facility. By documenting each case, we can analyze trends, improve our response strategies, and strengthen our infection control practices, all in pursuit of providing a safe and caring environment for our residents and staff.

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