Sales Agreement

Sales Agreement

This Sales Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Your Name], located at [Your Company Address], ("Seller"), and [Buyer's Name], located at [Buyer's Address], ("Buyer").

1. Introduction

This section sets the stage for the contractual relationship between the parties involved, namely the seller and the buyer. It outlines their identities, addresses, and roles in the agreement. Additionally, it succinctly states the purpose of the contract, which governs the sale of goods or services between the parties.

2. Definitions

This section clarifies key terms utilized within the document to ensure mutual understanding between the parties. It provides precise explanations for terms such as "Goods," "Services," "Purchase Price," and any other relevant terminology. By establishing clear definitions, the Seller and Buyer can interpret the Agreement consistently and accurately throughout its duration.

3. Goods or Services

The individual or party that is selling at this moment agrees, under which they commit to give or supply specific goods or perform certain services, as per the requirements, to the individual or party that is in the position of purchasing:

4.1 Goods:

  • Five brand-new laptops, model XYZ, with the following specifications: 15-inch display, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel Core i7 processor.

  • Twenty office chairs, black leather, ergonomic design with adjustable armrests and lumbar support.

  • One commercial-grade coffee machine, capable of brewing espresso, cappuccino, and latte, with a built-in grinder and milk frother.

4.2 Services:

  • Website development services, including the design, coding, and launch of a responsive website with e-commerce functionality.

  • Monthly maintenance and support services for the buyer's existing software systems, including troubleshooting, updates, and security patches.

  • Consulting services for business strategy and market analysis, providing insights and recommendations to improve the buyer's competitive position.

4. Purchase Price

The price that has been mutually agreed upon by all parties involved for the purchase of the goods and services is stipulated as follows:

4.1 Goods:

  • Five brand-new laptops, model XYZ: $1,500 each, totaling $7,500.

  • Twenty office chairs: $200 each, totaling $4,000.

  • One commercial-grade coffee machine: $2,000.

  • Total Purchase Price for Goods: $13,500.

4.2 Services:

Website development services: $5,000.

  • Monthly maintenance and support services: $1,200 per month for 12 months, totaling $14,400.

  • Consulting services: $150 per hour, estimated at 20 hours, totaling $3,000.

  • Total Purchase Price for Services: $22,400.

  • Taxes and Additional Fees:

  • Sales tax at the prevailing rate will be added to the purchase price of goods.

  • No additional fees apply to the purchase of goods.

  • Services are subject to applicable sales tax where required by law.

The total purchase price of goods and services, including taxes and any applicable fees, amounts to $35,900.

5. Payment Terms

The payment terms, which have been mutually agreed upon and confirmed by both parties involved in this agreement, are outlined as follows:

5.1 Payment Method: The buyer shall make payments via bank transfer to the seller's designated bank account.

5.2 Installment Schedule (if applicable):

  • For the goods:

  • A non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total purchase price ($17,950) is due upon signing of this agreement.

  • The remaining balance of 50% ($17,950) shall be paid upon delivery of the goods.

  • For the services:

  • Website development services:

  • 50% of the total purchase price ($2,500) is due upon signing of this agreement.

  • The remaining balance of 50% ($2,500) shall be paid upon completion and acceptance of the website.

  • Monthly maintenance and support services:

  • Payments of $1,200 shall be made monthly in advance, starting from the date of the first month of service.

  • Consulting services:

  • Payment of $3,000 shall be made upon completion of the consulting services.

5.3 Late Payment Provisions:

  • In the event of late payment by the buyer, a late fee of 1.5% per month or the maximum allowable by law, whichever is lower, shall be applied to the outstanding balance.

  • Failure to make payment within 30 days of the due date may result in suspension of services or delivery of goods until payment is received in full.

  • The buyer shall be responsible for all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred by the seller in the collection of overdue payments.

6. Delivery Terms

The terms and conditions associated with the process of delivery are elaborated and explained in the subsequent points as follows:

6.1 Delivery Method:

  • The seller shall arrange for the delivery of the goods to the buyer's specified location using a reputable shipping carrier or logistics service.

  • For services, delivery shall be deemed to occur upon completion of the agreed-upon tasks or milestones.

6.2 Location:

  • The goods shall be delivered to the buyer's address as specified in this agreement unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by both parties.

  • For services, delivery shall be deemed to occur at the location where the services are to be performed or as otherwise specified in this agreement.

6.3 Responsibilities:

  • The seller is responsible for ensuring that the goods are adequately packaged to prevent damage during transit and for arranging for their transportation to the buyer's location.

  • The buyer is responsible for providing accurate delivery information and for accepting delivery of the goods or services by the agreed-upon schedule.

  • Any additional costs incurred due to changes in delivery location or other requests made by the buyer shall be borne by the buyer unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by both parties.

7. Warranties

The seller provides assurances and guarantees in the following respects concerning the goods and services they have supplied:

7.1 Goods Warranties:

  • The seller warrants that all goods delivered under this agreement shall be new, unused, and free from defects in material and workmanship.

  • The seller further warrants that the goods shall conform to the specifications provided in this agreement and shall be fit for their intended purpose.

  • Any warranties provided by the manufacturer of the goods shall be transferred to the buyer to the extent permitted by law.

7.2 Services Warranties:

  • The seller warrants that all services provided under this agreement shall be performed by qualified personnel with due care and diligence.

  • The seller further warrants that the services shall be performed by industry standards and any specifications agreed upon by the parties.

  • In the event of any defects or deficiencies in the services provided, the seller shall promptly remedy such issues at no additional cost to the buyer.

7.3 Duration of Warranties:

  • The warranties for goods shall remain in effect for one (1) year, commencing from the date of delivery.

  • The warranties for services shall remain in effect for ninety (90) days, commencing from the date of completion and acceptance of the services by the buyer.

7.4 Exclusions from Warranties:

  • The warranties provided by the seller do not cover:

  • Normal wear and tear.

  • Damage caused by misuse, negligence, or improper handling of the goods by the buyer.

  • Modifications or alterations made to the goods or services by any party other than the seller without prior written consent.

7.5 Remedies:

  • In the event of a breach of any warranty provided herein, the seller's sole obligation shall be to repair or replace the defective goods or reperform the deficient services, at the seller's option.

  • If repair, replacement, or reperformance is not feasible, the seller may, at its discretion, refund the purchase price paid by the buyer for the defective goods or services.

8. Inspection and Acceptance

Upon delivery of the goods or completion of the services, the buyer shall have the right to inspect the delivered goods or services within a reasonable period, not to exceed 10 days from the date of delivery or completion.

8.1 Goods:

  • The buyer shall inspect the goods promptly upon receipt.

  • If any goods are found to be damaged, defective, or not by the specifications outlined in this agreement, the buyer shall notify the seller in writing within 10 days of delivery.

  • If no written notice of non-conformity is provided by the buyer within the specified period, the goods shall be deemed accepted by the buyer.


  • Upon completion of the services, the seller shall notify the buyer of the completion date.

  • The buyer shall have 10 days from the completion date to review and test the services to ensure they meet the specifications outlined in this agreement.

  • If any deficiencies or non-conformities are identified, the buyer shall promptly notify the seller in writing within the specified period.


  • If the buyer fails to provide written notice of non-conformity within the specified inspection period, the goods or services shall be deemed accepted by the buyer.

  • Upon acceptance, the buyer shall not be entitled to any refunds, replacements, or remedies for non-conforming goods or services, except as provided for in the warranties section of this agreement.

9. Title and Risk of Loss

The title and the risk of potential loss will be transferred from the person or entity selling the item or property, commonly termed the seller, to the person or entity making the purchase, typically referred to as the buyer, according to the following stipulations:

9.1 Goods:

  • The title to the goods shall transfer to the buyer upon full payment of the purchase price.

  • Risk of loss shall transfer to the buyer upon delivery of the goods to the address specified by the buyer.

9.2 Services:

  • Title to any deliverables or tangible materials related to the services shall transfer to the buyer upon completion and acceptance of the services.

  • Risk of loss for any tangible materials provided by the seller shall transfer to the buyer upon delivery.

10. Limitation of Liability

The parties involved in this agreement have mutually consented to prescribe limitations to their respective liabilities in the following manner:

10.1 Seller's Liability:

  • The seller's liability for any direct damages arising from the agreement shall be limited to the total purchase price paid by the buyer for the goods or services under this agreement.

  • The seller shall not be liable for any consequential, indirect, or incidental damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of business opportunities, or loss of data.

10.2 Buyer's Liability:

  • The buyer's liability for any direct damages arising from the agreement shall be limited to the total purchase price paid by the buyer for the goods or services under this agreement.

  • The buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless the seller from any claims, damages, or losses arising from the buyer's use or misuse of the goods or services provided under this agreement.

10.3 Exceptions:

  • Nothing in this agreement shall limit either party's liability for fraud, gross negligence, willful misconduct, or violation of applicable law.

  • The limitations of liability set forth in this section shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law.

11. Governing Law

The section discussed within this document is specifically designed to clarify and establish the particular governing law that will be duly applied to the agreement made. Furthermore, this section also pertains to any possible disputes that may potentially arise as a result of this agreement, providing a legal reference to be followed in dealing with such events.

12. Dispute Resolution

In this particular segment, detailed procedures are provided for resolving any conflicts that may arise between the parties involved. These procedures encompass many different approaches including, but not limited to, engaging in a mediation process in which a neutral third party would facilitate a resolution, undergoing arbitration where a neutral third party would render a binding decision after considering all the relevant facts and circumstances or proceeding to litigation in a court of law.

13. Entire Agreement

This section specifies that the agreement serves as a comprehensive understanding between the parties involved. Moreover, it overrules and effectively replaces any former agreements or representations that may have been in place previously.

14. Amendments

The segment in question provides a detailed explanation of the processes that should be followed if there's a necessity to introduce changes to the agreement. This includes any prerequisites for obtaining approval in written form from the two parties involved in the agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties involved in this agreement have officially executed and formalized this Agreement on the Effective Date that was first written above.





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