Photo Booth Contract


This Photo Booth Rental Contract ("Contract") is entered into on [Date], by and between [Your Company Name], a [Legal Entity Type] organized and existing under the laws of [Jurisdiction], with its principal place of business located at [Your Company Address] ("Photo Booth Company"), and [Client's Name], a [Legal Entity Type] organized and existing under the laws of [Jurisdiction], with its principal place of business located at [Client's Address] ("Client").

1. Rental Details

1.1 The Provider has concurred to offer a rental service, specifically of a photo booth (hereinafter referred to as the "Photo Booth"), to the Client. The Photo Booth would be used by the Client at the event, the specifics and details of which are mentioned below.

  • Event Name: Spring Gala Celebration

  • Event Date: April 15, 2050

  • Event Location: Grand Ballroom, Hilton Hotel, 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA

1.2 The period for which the entity in question is being rented will begin at precisely 6:00 PM on the date of the event previously agreed upon. This period during which the rented entity is active and in use will then come to an end at 11:00 PM, still on the same date as previously specified.

2. Services Provided

2.1 The service provider bears the obligation and commits to supply the following services. These services are not an addition but are rather included as integral and essential parts of the rental package being offered. This obligation and commitment is seen as a fundamental understanding in the provision of this service. Therefore, the rental package that is being offered is in all aspects incorporating these services.

  • Setup and installation of the Photo Booth at the event venue

  • On-site attendant to assist guests and ensure smooth operation of the Photo Booth

  • Unlimited photo sessions during the rental period

  • Customized photo prints with event branding or logos, if requested

2.2 Upon request, we may be able to provide additional services. These could include the provision of props and backdrops to complement your event's theme, a digital copy of all the photos taken at your event, or even extended rental hours for more prolonged enjoyment. Please be informed that all these supplementary services are subject to extra fees over the basic package price.

3. Payment Terms

3.1 The customer, defined here as 'Client', is signifying their agreement to make a payment to the party who is providing the service, defined here as the 'Provider'. This payment is for a total sum of 500 dollars and it corresponds to the cost of renting a Photo Booth. The Client is required to remit this entire portion of $500 to the Provider without delay at any point beyond the designated due date which for this agreement has been established as April 1, 2050.

3.2 The method by which payment should be rendered is via bank transfer. Please transfer the payment to the account details provided below:

  • Account Name: ABC Photo Booth Rentals LLC

  • Account Number: 1234567890

  • Bank Name: First National Bank Routing

  • Number: 123456789

4. Client Responsibilities

4.1 The Client is required to ensure that there is ample space provided at the event venue for the setup and operation of the Photo Booth. Furthermore, it is expected that the Client will provide a sufficient power supply to allow for the correct functioning of the Photo Booth throughout the event.

4.2 It is the responsibility of the Client to guarantee that, during the period of rental, they maintain and uphold the safety and security of the Photo Booth, as well as any accessories related to it.

5. Liability and Indemnification

5.1 The Provider, as per the terms agreed upon herein, will not be held responsible or legally liable for any potential damages, injuries, or losses that may occur as a result of the use of the Photo Booth. This applies not only to the party identified as the Client but also extends to every attendee present at the event. Any negative repercussions, financial or otherwise, that stem from the usage or misuse of the Photo Booth shall not be incurred by the Provider.

5.2The Client is in full agreement to take the responsibility to indemnify or compensate and also to protect from any kind of financial harm the Provider, from any claims, responsibilities, or expenses that could potentially arise or be connected to the Client's usage of the Provider's Photo Booth.

6. Termination

6.1 In the event of a breach of contract or a failure to fulfill the obligations as stipulated under this Agreement, either of the parties involved has the authority to bring this Agreement to an end. However, termination of this Agreement is subject to a written notice being given to the other party involved, a process that should be carried out within the time frame specified under the 'Notice Period'.

7. Governing Law

7.1 The stipulations, provisions, and understanding within this Agreement are to be interpreted, established, and regulated in line with the legal codes and legislative guidelines that prevail within the specified jurisdiction.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Photo Booth Rental Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Your Company Name] (Photo Booth Company)

[Date Signed]

[Client's Name]

[Date Signed]

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