Rental House Contract

Rental House Contract

This Rental House Contract ("Contract") is entered into this [Date], by and between [Landlord Name] ("Landlord") residing at [Landlord Address], and [Tenant Name] ("Tenant") residing at [Tenant Name].

I. Property Description

The landlord hereby leases to the tenant, and the tenant hereby leases from the landlord, the following described property located at:

The property located at [Property Address] is a single-family dwelling. This comfortable home features two well-sized bedrooms, a well-maintained bathroom, a functional kitchen offering space for meal prep and dining, and a spacious living room that provides ample space for relaxation or entertainment. Additionally, the property boasts a sizable backyard, offering outdoor living potential or space for landscaping or gardening.

II. Term of Lease

The duration of the lease being discussed will start on the date that has been explicitly stated as the commencement date and will conclude on the specified end date. However, the lease can end before the end date if there is a premature termination based on conditions and exceptions that have been defined and mentioned in this agreement.

III. Rent Details and Security Deposit

3.1 Rent Details

The monthly rent for the property shall be $1,200, payable in advance on the 1st day of each month. Rent payments shall be made by electronic bank transfer. Late rent payments shall incur a late fee of $50.

3.2 Security Deposit

The tenant shall deposit the sum of $1,200 as security for the faithful performance of the terms of this Agreement. The security deposit shall be refundable, less any deductions for damages beyond normal wear and tear, within 30 days after the termination of the lease.

IV. Maintenance and Repairs

The landlord shall be responsible for major repairs and maintenance of the property, while the tenant shall be responsible for minor repairs and upkeep.

4.1 Major Repairs and Maintenance (Landlord's Responsibility)

The landlord shall be responsible for major repairs and maintenance of the property, including but not limited to:

  • Structural repairs

  • Roof repairs

  • Plumbing issues such as leaks or pipe bursts

  • HVAC system repairs

  • Electrical system repairs

  • Appliance repairs or replacements (if provided by landlord)

  • Pest control services

4.2 Minor Repairs and Upkeep (Tenant's Responsibility)

The tenant shall be responsible for minor repairs and upkeep of the property, including but not limited to:

  • Replacing light bulbs

  • Replacing air filters

  • Minor plumbing repairs such as unclogging drains

  • Patching small holes or cracks in walls

  • Regular cleaning and maintenance of appliances (if provided by landlord)

  • Regular lawn care and gardening (if applicable)

  • Routine maintenance of smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors

V. Occupancy Limits

The rental property can accommodate a maximum capacity of up to four individuals. It is not permitted to exceed the occupancy limit of four persons residing in this rental property.

VI. Pets Policy

The tenants, are strictly forbidden from having any form of pet on the residential property unless they have first obtained an explicit written agreement from the landlord, before introducing a said pet into the living setting. In any situation where the landlord has given the proper approval for a tenant to bring a pet onto the property, there is an associated monetary obligation.

VII. Subletting and Assignment

It is not permissible to carry out the act of subleasing or assigning the lease to a third party unless the landlord provides their consent in written form. This means that any actions taken towards outsourcing the lease or transferring to another party will be considered invalid and not be allowed unless the landlord gives their specific approval in a form that is written and documented.

VIII. Termination Clause

The lease can be canceled before its end date by the tenant or landlord, provided they adhere to a 30-day notice period. This intention to end the agreement must be communicated through a written notice, dated at least 30 days before the intended termination. Premature termination may, however, attract penalties, amounting to a month's rent.

IX. Legal Compliance

The owner of the property, commonly referred to as the landlord, provides assurance and guarantees that the property designated for rental purposes aligns with, complies with, and does not violate any laws, regulations, ordinances, or rules that are currently in effect and applicable to rental properties.

X. Governing Law

The governance related to this Agreement will be managed by and will be subject to the established laws of the state that are specified in this document. The state that is indicated and agreed upon for such legal governance under this Agreement is [State].

In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Landlord Name]

[Tenant Name]

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